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VT-GPGPU Progress

At week ending 20120608 (YYYY/MM/DD), there are 16 subscribed members to the Virtual Team mailing list.

Karolis organised the first VT-GPGPU phone conference by doodle poll, and this was held on Thursday 7th June (2:00pm CET).

John drafted a new call to encourage the community users to join the VT, this was published as a broadcast by Tiziana

VT-GPGPU Phone conference

The meeting itself was attended by approximately 11 people. The agenda included:

  1. Introduction & review of the scope of the Virtual Team,
  2. Review of the timelines as indicated in the wiki
  3. User Survey general discussion - Format of Survey & topic headings and questions
  4. Use Case gathering
  5. Task assignment - who is volunteering to doing what?
  6. AOB

The brief conclusions of the meeting are:

  1. The Wiki shall be used to manage the draft survey
  2. The draft survey should be ready in the next 2-3 weeks
    1. (this is to ensure a timely distribution before summer holidays).
    2. Participants in the meeting should suggest headings and questions for the survey.
    3. Timelines mentioned for the tasks mentioned on the Wiki Page should be ajusted appropriately.
  3. We should look at organinising a GPGPU session at the Technical Forum
  4. A number of use cases were suggested:
    1. (R+GPGPU with Biomed, CompChem, MonteCarlo simulations ...)
    2. We need to document the use cases.
  5. Procedure for handling the team reports
    1. The weekly report should be added to the wiki first
    2. A notice sent to the members of the page Location,
    3. Members can update or correct the page as necessary.
  6. Most of the team communication shall be via the list and via the Wiki.

List of attendees:

Sophie Ferry

Emanouil Atanassov

John Walsh

Pablo Briongos

Andrea Sartirana

Pierrick Micout

Todor Gurov

Andrea Giachetti

Jan Just Keijser

Tiziana Ferrari

Nuno Ferreira

Plans for the week ahead

  1. Prepare initial draft outline
  2. Gather information on Use Cases


  1. There were many problems in using EVO to handle the conference call - Drop outs, microphones inexplicably not working under linux