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Applications on Demand Service - information for providers

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This page provides information about the 'EGI platform for the Long-tail of science'. The long-tail of science refers to the individual researchers and small laboratories who - opposed to large, expensive collaborations - do not have access to computational resources and online services to manage and analyse large amount of data. This EGI platform allows individual researchers and small research teams to perform compute and data-intensive simulations on large, distributed networks of computers in a user friendly way. If you are interested in the activity that developed and now maintains the platform, please jump to the Long-tail of science activity page.


  • Science gateway and resource providers must accept and follow the platform security policy:
  • Science gateway providers must sign OLA with
  • Science gateway providers must integrate with the User Registration Portal to enable the single sign-on capability for users.
  • Science gateway providers must integrate with the per-user subproxy solution to offer traceable user authentication towards the e-infrastructure VO.
  • Science gateways must implement user resource usage quota (to prohibit a user consuming all the resources from the platform).
  • Resource providers must support the per-user subproxy solution and join the e-infrastructure VO.

The below subsections provide guidance to complete these steps.

How to join

How to connect a science gateway to the platform

Connecting the science gateway with the User Registration Portal

Client service Registration

1. Open the GGUS ticket to operations that include return URIs

2. UNITY team send Client clientID and secretKey

Authorization procedure Unity with Client:

1] The Client sends a request to the OpenID Provider

redirect_uri: [[Redirect url]]
client_id:unity-oauth-egrantstate: [[You should generate your own state eg. md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));]]

scope:profile openid 


response_type=code &client_id=123123123 & &scope=openid%20profile


2] Authorization Server authenticates the End-User.
3] Authorization Server obtains End-User Consent/Authorization.
4] Authorization Server sends the End-User back to the redirect uri from the first request (Redirect url) with code.

example of the response

Location: []

code=uniquecode123 &state=a123a123a123

5] Client sends the code to the Token Endpoint to receive an Access Token and ID Token in the response.

POST /token HTTP/1.1

Host: []

Authorization: Basic czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



6] Client validates the tokens and retrieves the End-User's Subject Identifier.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/json

Cache-Control: no-store

Pragma: no-cache








You should decode id_token and make some validation (more information:

7] Client Gets some information from userpoint endpoint (


8] User gets information about user such as email or name in json format

important data:

unity.server.clientId=  [YOUR CLIENT ID]
unity.server.clientSecret= [YOUR SECRET KEY]




full configuration:

OpenId Connect for Liferay

OpenId Connect for Liferay is a very rough but effective implementation of the OpenId connect protocol for Liferay. Use this module to authenticate with any OpenId Connect provider.

Connecting the science gateway with per-user subproxies

The platform uses per-user subproxies (PSUPs) for user authentication. Any connected science gateway must generate per-user sub proxies for their users and must use these for any interaction with VO resources on behalf of the users. A gateway can generate PSUPs in two ways:

  1. . From a robot certificate that is physically hosted on the gateway server itself. OR
  2. . From a remote robot certificate that is hosted in the e-Token Server by INFN Catania.

We recommend you to choose the first option. If there is an IGTF CA in your country which issues robot certificates then obtain a robot from this CA. If such robots are not available in your country or region, then EGI can issue a robot for you from the SEEGRID catch-all CA. The next subsections provide details information to complete these steps.

Generic requirements

The Per-User Sub-Proxy (PUSP) and End-Entity Certificate (EEC) must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. The EEC is a valid robot certificate:
  2. The PUSP is RFC 3820 compliant, i.e. no legacy GT2 or GT3 proxies
  3. The PUSP is the first proxy delegation
  4. If the same user enters via the same portal, he must get the same PUSP DN
  5. No two distinct identified users will have the same PUSP DN.

A robot EEC that generates PUSP credentials SHOULD NOT be used for any other purpose; for example, it should not be used to generate non-PUSP proxy credentials and should not be use for direct authenticating.

The machine/service that will take care of PUSP generation and management should respect the following rules:

  1. Documented response procedures in case of incidents (that are periodically tested).
  2. A listed/accredited CSIRT team.
  3. Internal risk assessment and an actuarial team to calculate the effective risk

Using a robot certificate from your national IGTF CA

  1. Obtain a robot certificate from your national IGTF Certification Authority following the instructions here.
  2. Register the robot in the VO:
  3. Generate proxies from the robot using this script:

Obtaining a robot certificate from EGI catch-all CA

  1. Contact and send a short description of your gateway service and the way it would be integrated with platform resources. The team will arrange a robot certificate for your gateway from the SEEGRID CA (which operates as a 'catch-all' CA in EGI) and will register this in the VO and in the e-Token Server in Italy.
  2. Register the robot in the VO:
  3. Generate proxies from the robot using this script:

Instructions to use the e-Token Server

  1. Contact and send a short justification why you would like to use the eToken server (instead of hosting the robot certificate locally). Describe your gateway service and the way it would be integrated with platform resources. The team will arrange a robot certificate for your gateway from the SEEGRID CA and will register it in
  2. Provide with the static IP address of your gateway server, so proxy requests can be authorized from this address on the e-Token Server.
  3. Generate proxies from the e-Token server following this guideline:

There are two available e-Token Server instances for availability and reliability reasons:


The following rest API is available to get a PUSP given a unique identifier:

https://[eToken Server instance]:8443/eTokenServer/eToken/[Robot Certificate ID]?voms=[VO]:/[VO]&proxy-renewal=[true|false]&disable-voms-proxy=[true|false]&rfc-proxy=[true|false]&cn-label=user:[user unique identifier]
  • Robot cetificate ID: it is the ID of your robot certificate in the e-Token server. It will be generated after the setup of your robot into the e-Token Server.
  • VO: the VO you want to use to perform any action on the EGI infrastructure. The robot certificate must be a member of this VO.
  • proxy-renewal: this option is used to enable (true) or disable (false) the automatic registration of a long-term proxy into a MyProxy Server.
  • disable-voms-proxy: this option is used to generate plain (true) or VOMS proxy certificate (false).
  • rfc-proxy: this option is used to generate standard RFC proxies (true) or legacy proxies (false).
  • cn-label: this option is used to generate a PUSP for the given unique identifier.

below an example:

https://[eToken Server instance]:8443/eTokenServer/eToken/27br90771bba31acb942efe4c8209e69?

Connecting the Science Gateway with the EGI monitoring system

To activate default monitoring checks with ARGO, it is necessary to register the Science Gateway in the GOCDB.

By default ARGO will automatically fetch the Science Gateway endpoint from the GOCDB and will use standard NAGIOS probes to check whether the validity of the server host certificate and whether the Apache server is running on standard port.

ARGO uses a bundle of connectors/sync components to monitor different service components, but if necessary new ones can be developed.

How to join as a grid/cloud resource provider

Any EGI resource

provider can join the platform to offer capacity for members of the 

long-tail of science. The site needs to run one of the supported grid or

cloud middleware software, enable per-user sub-proxies (for user 

authentication and authorisation), and join the Virtual Organisation. The next subsections provide instructions on how to enable per-user sub-proxies on EGI sites. Please email if you wish to join as a resource provider.

In order to provide authorization to the users of the LToS VO, a couple of DNs (Distinghished Names) are required to be configured on the services to be enabled. For instance, for the CREAM CE the usual grid-mapfile is the place where to add them, for OpenStack it's /etc/keystone/voms.json. You can find below the instructions for each service.

The following Robot Certificate DNs must be configured:

/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Robot/L=Catania/CN=Robot: Catania Science Gateway  - Roberto Barbera

Instructions for OpenStack providers

Keystone-VOMS has support for per-user subproxies in the special branch called subproxy_support available in the github repository (code is in progress of being integrated into the main branch of Keystone-VOMS). You can install the code from the repository following these instructions:

 git clone -b subproxy_support
 cd keystone-voms
 pip install .

Configuration and deployment of the plugin does not change from the normal Keystone-VOMS plugin, follow the Keystone-VOMS documentation to deploy it.

There are new parameters to configure in your keystone config file, under the [voms] section:

  • allow_subproxy, should be set to True for enabling PUSP support.
  • subproxy_robots, should be set to * (recommended) or to a list of the DNs that are allowed to create PUSP in the system.
  • subproxy_user_prefix, determines the expected prefix for the PUSP user specification. It is safe to leave it undefined so the default value (CN=eToken is used.

Instruction for gLite providers

There is an EGI manual that shows how to set up a per-user sub-proxy to allow identification of the individual users under a common robot certificate. You can find the guide here:

Instruction for OpenNebula providers

OpenNebula sites are not yet supported in the platform.

How to join the user support team

If you wish to support platform users from your country, region or scientific disciplinary area, then please email We can train you and then register you as a supporter in our team.

How to operate your service

The following steps are only applicable if the service is not already registered in GOCDB.

  • Actions tagged RC are the responsibility of the Resource Centre Operations Manager.
  • Actions tagged RP are the responsibility of the Resource Infrastructure Operations Manager.
  • Actions tagged OC are the responsibility of the Operations Centre
# Responsible Action
0 RC

Contact your Resource Infrastructure Operations Manager (contact information is available at EGI web site).

  • Provide the required information according to the template available in the Required information page.
1 RP

Accept or reject registration request and communicate this result back to applicant.

  • If the Resource Centre is accepted, notify the relevant Operations Centre, handle the Resource Centre information received, and put the Operations Centre in contact with the Resource Centre Operations Manager.
2 OC
  1. Forward all documentation:
  2. Clarify any doubts or questions.

Include the Operations Centre ROD, CSIRT,  or help-desk teams in the step if necessary.

3 OC
  1. Add the Resource Centre to the GOCDBand flag it as "Candidate".
  2. Approve in GOCDB 'Resource Centre Operations Manager' role. 
  3. Approve in GOCDB 'Resource Centre Security Officer' role. 
4 RC
  1. Complete any missing information for the Resource Centre's entry in the GOCDB
    • It includs services that are to be integrated into the infrastructure.
  2. Notify the Operations Centre that the Resource Centre information update is concluded.
  3. Note: If the external RC is considering buying host certs, please make sure they source them from an EGI recognised authority. The local national CA (usually for free or at flat rate) is likely the best source of their SSL certificates.
5 OC

Check GOC DB that the Resource Centre's information is correct.

  • Resource Centre (site) roles and any other additional information.
  • Check that contacts receive email (if they are mailing lists, check that outside EGI members are allowed to post there). Site administrator MUST reply to the test email.
  • Check that the required services for a Resource Centre are properly registered.
    • Note that for Resource Centres sending accounting data from grid jobs, a “glite-APEL” node must be registered in GOCDB. For Resource Centres sending accounting data from Cloud systems, a “” node must be registered in GOCDB. The entry must include the correct DN to allow the message broker and accounting repository’s Access Control Lists to get automatically updated. Resource Centres can start publishing usage records after about four hours.
  • Check domain names and forward and reverse DNS.
RC ONLY for Cloud RCs - Security survey: follow Security Resource Centre Certification Procedure
7 OC

Any other Operations Centre-specific requirements (e.g. join a certain VO and/or mailing list, etc.)

8 OC

If all previous actions have been completed with success, notify the Resource Centre Operations Manager that the Registration is completed, and contact the Resource Infrastructure Operations Manager to notify that a new candidate Resource Centre exists and is ready to be certified.

Notifying users about downtimes

Scheduled downtime

  • Scheduled interventions MUST be declared at least 24h in advance, specifying reason and duration.
  • Existing scheduled interventions CAN be extended, provided that it is done 24 hours in advance.

1. For grid/cloud resource providers:

  • Resource Provider (RP) has to register the scheduled downtime in the GOCDB by clicking on the 'Add a Downtime' link in the sidebar and specifying the downtime information and the full list of impacted services in case there is more than one or select an site to select all the sites associated services.
  • The User Registration Portal picks up the downtime information from GOCDB via API, and sends out a broadcast email message to active users of the platform. (under development)
  • The User Registration Portal displays downtime information on the URP front-page

2. For Science Gateway providers:

  • Science Gateway provider has to register the scheduled downtime in the GOCDB by clicking on the 'Add a Downtime' link in the sidebar.
  • Display downtime information on the front-page of your Science Gateway.
  • The Science Gateway picks up the downtime information from GOCDB via API, and sends out a broadcast email message to active users of the platform. (under development)
  • The Science Gateway displays downtime information in a dedicated section of the front page.
  • GOCDB Programming Interface documentation can be found here

Unscheduled (unexpected) downtime

  • Any intervention declared less than 24 h in advance will be considered unscheduled.
  • Sites MUST declare unscheduled interventions as soon as they are detected to inform the users.
    • Unscheduled interventions CAN be declared up to 48 hours in the past (retroactive information to the user community)
  • Unscheduled downtimes can be fetched from the GOCDB via API as well and notified to the end-users.