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Fedcloud-tf:WorkGroups:VM Marketplace

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Main Roadmap and Innovation Technology For Users For Resource Providers Media

Workbenches: Open issues
Scenario 1
VM Management
Scenario 2
Data Management
Scenario 3
Information Systems
Scenario 4
Scenario 5
Scenario 6
Scenario 7
Federated AAI
Scenario 8
VM Image Management
Scenario 9
Scenario 10
Scenario 11

Leader: Kostas Koumantaros, EGI-InSPIRE SA2


Role Institution Name
Scenario leader EGI-InSPIRE SA2 Kostas Koumantaros
Collaborator GRIF Michel Jouvin
Collaborator TCD Stuart Kenny


  • Investigate how to do double endorsement
  • Investigate x509 + VOMS authentication


This workbench deals with the issues around setting up a VM Marketplace to:

  • Provide a publicly searchable place for VMs that may provide the application that is needed
  • Provide a common place to add a token of endorsement to a pertinent VM

Marketplace Howto

Register an image with the Marketplace

(Modified version of instructions compiled by Boris Parak. The original version can be found here)

Install and configure stratuslab-cli-tools

This part is very straight-forward, we need stratuslab-cli-tools. So

cd ~
mkdir stratuslab
cd stratuslab
tar xvf stratuslab-cli-user-pkg-2.2.tar.gz

and then conclude the installation process by appending the following to ~/.bashrc

export PATH=$PATH:~/stratuslab/bin
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/stratuslab/lib/stratuslab/python

RPMs for the client are also available from the StratusLab yum repositories, see Packages are provided for CentOS 6.2, OpenSuse 12.1 and Fedora 16.

Get demo images

There are two images required for the demo. Each resource provider should upload a metadata entry for each. The first is the BNCweb image, which is available from The second is a plain Debian 6 image (

Upload the image into your cloud

This step is different for every cloud platform. For instance, in OpenNebula v3.4+ you can use Sunstone GUI to upload images directly, in previous versions you have to upload the image to the frontend and then register it.

Sice FedCloud-TF will be using OCCI to access the cloud, you must provide a location of the image that is OCCI-compatible. To find the right link you can browse through all the storage elements registered in your OCCI server

checking the occi.core.title attribute for the right name. You should end up with something like

Build the metadata

The Marketplace stores only metadata which points to the image, provide basic information and integrity verification. Since RDF is not the most user-friendly format, we can use stratus-build-metadata to generate a template

stratus-build-metadata --author='##YOUR_NAME##' --type=base --os=Ubuntu --os-version=11.04 --os-arch=x86_64 \
--image-version=1.0 --hypervisor=xen --format=raw --comment='BNCWeb appliance for the OGF35 demo available at ##YOUR_SITE##' \ 
--compression=none --location='' egi-bncweb.img

Note: stratus-build-metadata needs the image to compute checksums, you can download it here egi-bncweb.img

Modify the metadata

Now we can check/modify the metadata, the most important elements are dcterms:valid and dcterms:title.

The correct format for dcterms:title is EGI-##IMAGE_NAME##-##SITE_NAME##. This field will need to be manually added to the metadata file. You can also modify the validity date as required.

Metadata from the Marketplace cannot be removed, it can only expire. It is also possible to deprecate an entry. This might be necessary, if for example, a security issue is detected with the image, or if you simply wish to no longer endorse the image. Instructions for the stratus-deprecate-image command can be found here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""

    <rdf:Description rdf:about="#DtRwHZzoo1xFKtk-iL51t6RNQ9Q">



        <slreq:checksum rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <slreq:checksum rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <slreq:checksum rdf:parseType="Resource">
        <slreq:checksum rdf:parseType="Resource">

        <slreq:endorsement rdf:parseType="Resource"/>






        <dcterms:description>BNCWeb appliance for the OGF35 demo available at ##YOUR_SITE##</dcterms:description>



These fields should be checked: <dcterms:title>EGI-BNCweb-##YOUR_SITE##</dcterms:title> <dcterms:creator>##YOUR_NAME##</dcterms:creator> <dcterms:description>BNCWeb appliance for the OGF35 demo available at ##YOUR_SITE##</dcterms:description> and <dcterms:publisher>##YOUR_SITE##</dcterms:publisher>

Modify Metadata: OCCI 1.1 servers

These changes are required for TF2012 demo.

Modify Metadata: rOCCI servers

These changes are required for TF2012 demo

Sign the metadata

To establish the origin of the image, we have to sign the metadata with a personal certificate (ideally the one registered with Before doing this you should familiarise yourself with the EGI Security Policy for the Endorsement and Operation of Virtual Machine Images.

stratus-sign-metadata --p12-cert=##FULL_PATH_TO_usercred.p12## egi-bncweb.xml

Register the metadata with the Marketplace

And to complete the process, we have to upload the metadata to the Marketplace with stratus-upload-metadata

stratus-upload-metadata egi-bncweb.xml

or manually at

Howto update old metadata