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GOCDB/Regional Module Technical Documentation

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This page is the main install documentation for GOCDB Version 5 



  • A packaged V5 release will also be made available for download soon.
  • In the meantime, early adopters can check out the v5 src from svn:
svn checkout 

Note, if you are asked to authenticate with a client certificate as below, you can dismiss by pressing Enter

Authentication realm:
Client certificate filename: <ENTER to dismiss>

OLD v4.4 Install doc has been relocated


(Under Construction - more details comming soon)

System prerequisites

GOCDB-5 has two components: a database and a web front end. Both components can work on the same machine but it is very likely that in most environments they will be separated. This is what we would advise. Machine requirements for these 2 components are described below.


Version 5 of GocDB uses Doctrine ORM (Object Relational Mapping) as it's interface to the datastore. This allows GocDB to be deployed to either a Oracle, MySQL or SQLite database (Postgres comming soon).


  • Required database: Oracle 11g or higher (note: the free Oracle 11g XE Express Editions which comes with a free license is perfectly suitable. 10g may also work but is untested)
  • Required space: 150 MB Dowload free Oracle XE from the following link and follow the installation instructions:
  • For gocdb admin tasks, we also recommend the SQL Developer tool.



  • Required database: SQLite 3.x.x or higher. SQLite is produced as an open source database and all versions are free to use.
  • Required: See the SQLite documentation:

Web frontend

The machine to use as the web frontend will need the following:

  • Apache http server version 2.2 or higher.
  • PHP version 5.3 or higher (version <=5.2 has some OOP related bugs).
    • PHP oci8 extension
  • a X509 host certificate for the machine


  • PHP Unit for testing developments

Preparing your installation

Database preparation

GocDB v5 comes with deploy script which will setup the schema required for GocDB. The only preperation is that you have setup a database in your chosen database provider and have the user access details which are required later in the installation when configuring GocDB for deployment. 

GOCDB file system

Place the GocDB source folder on your chosen web server.


Pear is recommended to install Doctrine and PHPUnit, many builds of PHP come pre-bundled with PEAR.

Verify the PEAR installation by running pear version on the command line.

$ pear version
PEAR Version: 1.9.4
PHP Version: 5.3.8
Zend Engine Version: 2.3.0
Running on: Windows NT ESCPC0095 6.1 build 7601 (Windows 7 Business Edition Service Pack 1) i586


Doctrine can be installed using PEAR. First add the Doctrine and Symfony channels to PEAR:

$pear channel-discover
$pear channel-discover

Then install Doctrine and it's dependencies:

$pear install --alldeps doctrine/DoctrineORM

Verify the Doctrine installation by running "doctrine --version" on the command line:

$ doctrine --version
Doctrine Command Line Interface version 2.3.3

See the possible errors and troubleshooting section if you encounter errors at this point.




PHPUnit is an optional choice for GOCDB users. GOCDB5 includes a test suite of unit tests that can be used to verify buisness logic and database connections for a deployed instance of GOCDB. In addition developers extending and modifying GOCDB can write unit tests for their own developements. To install PHPUnit use PEAR:

$pear clear-cache
$pear config-set auto_discover 1
$pear install

This install can then be verified using "phpunit --version" on the command line:

$ phpunit --version
PHPUnit 3.7.27 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Deploying GOCDB5

Configuration of the database connection

You should now have all the required blocks in place to deploy GOCDB V5. To Deploy the database schema to your desired database using Doctrine navigate to to gocDBSrc/lib/Doctrine/Deploy folder. In this folder you will configure the database connection details for your database. Depending on the type of database you are using open the bootstrap_doctrine.php file your database:

bootstrap_doctrine.php.mysql  -> For MySQL databases
bootstrap_doctrine.php.oci    -> For Oracle databases
bootstrap_doctrine.php.sqlite -> For SQLite databases

In the bootstrap_doctrine file complete the connection details for your database.

For Oracle:

$conn = array(
        'driver' => 'oci8',
        'user' => 'doctrine',
	'password' => 'password',
	'host' => 'localhost',
	'port' => 1521,
        /*'service' = true,*/  
	'dbname' => 'XE'
# Note, you may need to add 'service' = true as commented out above depending on your Oracle server

For MySQL:

$conn = array(
    'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
    'user' => 'Doctrine',
    'password' => 'password',
    'host' => '',
    'dbname' => 'doctrine'

For SQLite:

$conn = array(
    'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
    'path' => __DIR__ . '/db.sqlite',

Note: Doctrine can use APC caching however this is not suitable for all deployments. To disable comment out the APC configuration lines within the bootstrap_doctrine.php file:

$config->setMetadataCacheImpl(new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcCache());
$config->setQueryCacheImpl(new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ApcCache());

Deploying GOCDB

To deploy GocDB can be deployed as a blank instance ready for use of as a sample instance with a small set of example data to demonstrate GocDB. There are three deploy scripts provided for each database supported, these can be found in the /lib/Doctrine/deploy folder:

By supplying a flag when executing the script you can deploy either a new empty database or a sample database eg:

$ ./ -s

Deploying GocDB with sample data


$ ./ -n

Deploying new empty GocDB instance

Apache Configuration


Now that your database is deployed the final step is to configure Apache.

A few modules need to be enabled for GOCDB to work, check these are enabled on your Apache and if not enable them. 

In httpd.conf enable ssl_module by un-commenting these lines:

LoadModule ssl_module modules/



Depending on the database you are using the supporting module may also need to be enabled. For example Oracle requires the oracle module to be uncommented:


Take the file gocdbssl.conf and place this file in the apache/conf/extra folder. In httpd.conf include the gocdbssl.con by adding the following line under the heading Supplemental Configuration:

Include conf/extra/gocdbssl.conf


This file defines the location of resources required by GocDB.


The first step is to setup the paths for the DocumentRoot, ErrorLog and TransferLog and define the ServerName and ServerAdmin details for your particular web service where you are hosting GocDB.

SSL Keys

The SSLCertificateFile should point to the location of your server SSL key file. The SSLCertificateKeyFile -- The SSLCACertificationPath should point to the location of your CA certificates which can be obtained from: //Ask Dave

For development the SSLCertificatedFile and SSLCertificateKeyFile can be self signed certificates. However these must not be used in production.


The final step is to set the Alias to map your desired directory for GocDB webportal and Programmatic Interface (PI) to the correct folder and ensure the correct rules are defined for your server.

For the webportal the following settings are an example:

    Alias "/portal" "/gocDBsrc/htdocs/web_portal"
    <Directory "/gocDBsrc/htdocs/web_portal">
            SSLVerifyClient  require
            Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from
            deny from all  

The alias should and file location should also be set for the public PI and private PI. Public PI:

Alias "/gocdbpi/public" "/gocDBsrc/htdocs/PI/public"
<Directory "/gocDBsrc/htdocs/PI/public">

Private PI:

Alias "/gocdbpi/private" "/gocDBsrc/htdocs/PI/private"
<Directory "/gocDBsrc/htdocs/PI/private">

First Use

You should now be able to navigate to the GocDB webportal on your host using the URL defined in your alias. You will need to install a browser certificate that is suitable for the SSL keys you defined for your host to be able to view GocDB.