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You may want to see egi incident response procedure at : EGI_CSIRT:Policies

Release of 19 may 2011, edited by Heiko Reese <Heiko.Reese(at)>

Linux Forensics HowTo

This document is a constant work-in-progress. Comments and additions are always welcome.

This document describes a best-effort approach for preserving and analyzing compromized Linux installations. Because there are many different Linux userlands (aka distributions), some commands may require a different syntax or different commands (most notably when package management is involved) to achive the same goal. To follow the instructions in this document, at least a basic understanding of the procedures presented here is necessary.

Forensic analysis consists of (at least) these phases:

* Identify the system.
* Gather data.
* Analyze the data.

Identify Compromised Systems

TODO: (logs, monitoring, netflows, suspicious or erratic behaviour, external notification, etc...)

Gather data

The data aquisition process is twofold: first, gather information from the running (live) system. After that, analyze the »cold« system.

If the system runs as a virtual machine, freeze/pause it and create dumps/images from the filesysems/blockdevices and the memory.

Try not to write to the local filesystem. Put all gathered data onto external drives, network shares or into a ramdisk.

Collect data about the system's state (consult the manpages if you are unsure about what you are doing):

mkdir incident_data
cd incident_data
ps -auxwwwe > ps_auxwwwe.txt
netstat --program --notrim --verbose -n > netstat_pTvn.txt
netstat --program --notrim --verbose > netstat_pTv.txt
w > w.txt
last > last.txt
lastlog > lastlog.txt
cat /proc/mounts > proc_mounts.txt
arp -n > arp_n.txt
ip neigh show > ip_neigh_show.txt
ip route list > ip_route_list.txt
ip link  show > ip_link_show.txt
lsof -b -l -P -X -n -o -R -U > lsof_blPXnoRU.txt
for i in t p c t l; do ipcs -a -${i} > ipcs_a_${i}.txt;done

If there are suspicious processes that need further analysis, preserver the original binary and dump the program's memory:

export PID=12345  # <- INSERT PROCESS-ID (PID) HERE
kill -STOP ${PID} # stop process
cp /proc/${PID}/exe ${PID}.exe
# some distributions have a script called "gcore" which does this in batch-mode
gdb -p ${PID}
  # type "gcore", then "detach" and "quit"
  # The program's memory is now saved as core.PID.
ls -l /dev/shm
# look for shared-memory-segments owned by the process
# by doing
grep '/dev/shm' /proc/${PID}/maps
# copy them if deemed neccessary
tar cvf proc_${PID}.tar /proc/${PID}/{auxv,cgroup,cmdline,comm,environ,limits,maps,sched,schedstat,sessionid,smaps,stack,stat,statm,status,syscall,wchan} 
kill -9 ${PID}    # kill process

Create a list of all files in the system:

mkdir /mnt/root_ro
mount --bind / /mnt/root_ro
mount -o remount,ro /mnt/root_ro
# do not combine the two previous steps, this won't work on some older kernels
find /mnt/root_ro -xdev > find_root_ro_xdev.txt
umount /mnt/root_ro

Install/copy chkrootkit (, rkhunter ( and ossec-rootcheck ( to the machine.

Remount all „real“ filesystems as read-only ({{{mount -o remount,ro MOUNTPOINT}}}). This is best done manually by the administratior. You may use this very simple heuristic as an alternative if needed:

for mountpoint in $(sort -r /proc/mounts | grep -E ' (ext[234]|xfs|reiser|vfat|ntfs)' | cut -d' ' -f2)
  echo mount -o remount,ro "${mountpoint}"

Run chkrootkit, rkhunter and ossec-rootcheck.

Some package management-systems have checksums of their installed packages. Debian-based systems offer {{{debsums}}} and Redhat has {{{rpm -Va}}}. Save the output.

Copy the collected data someplace save or remove/unount the external storage/network drive.

Do not shutdown as usual! Disconnect the power the the system.

Remove the harddisks and create images (use

Data analysis

In order to proceed from this point on, answer these questions:

* What do you already know? How can you use this knowledge to proceed?
* What is your next goal? Finding the breakin point? Understand malicious code/backdoors? Find culprits? Identify other systems involved?
* Do you have the resources/manpower to analyze now? Or should these resources be used to mitigate the threat (assuming that is still exists)?

TODO: (explain procedures for standard problems)

Here are a few pointers to helpful software and services:

* TODO: malware-foo
* TODO: network intelligence
* TODO: binary analysis