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PROC06 Setting Nagios test status to operations

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Title Setting Nagios test status to operations
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Last modified 8 June 2016
Policy Group Acronym OMB
Policy Group Name Operations Management Board
Contact Group
Document Status Approved
Approved Date 23.11.2010
Procedure Statement The purpose of this document is to clearly describe the actions and the relative steps to be undertaken for setting Nagios tests an operations test. A Nagios test is set as operations test to enable the operations dashboard to display an alarm in case the test fails.
Owner Owner of procedure


The purpose of this document is to clearly describe the actions and the relative steps to be undertaken for setting Nagios tests an operations test. A Nagios test is set as operations test to enable the operations dashboard to display an alarm in case the test fails.

This procedure only applies for tests run under OPS VO and its range is global, applies for all Operations Centres in EGI project.


Please refer to the EGI Glossary for the definitions of the terms used in this procedure.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", “MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.



The SAM test needs to meet the following requirements.

  1. It satisfies quality criteria in agreement with the UMD operational capabilities quality criteria:
  2. It is properly documented.
  3. It must be part of an official nagios release.
  4. It must have been deployed in production for at least one month without problems.
  5. It must be available for validation by Operations

Sending a request

  • Anybody is can submit the request for making the test an operations test.
  • The request should be submitted to Operations via a GGUS ticket.


The general idea is that tickets specified in the table below must be closed before being able to move on to the next step in the procedure.

Step Action on Action
1 Applicant Opens a GGUS ticket to Operations to start the process.
Subject: Request for setting XXX test an operations test

Dear Operations,

We would like to request for setting XXX test an operations test

Prerequisite data:
* name of nagios probe:
* name of service on which the test runs: 
* link to documentation page:
* motivation (which part of the infrastructure will be improved by making XXX test 
 or description of users' problems which will be avoided in future - provide list 
 of GGUS tickets is possible)

Best Regards
2 Operations Checks the status of the Nagios probe to see if it meets the specified quality criteria.
3 Operations Operations contacts the OMB to request the approval of the new operations test. Date is specified (at least 1 month in future)
4 NGIs Request to the ROD teams to try making the test OK. 75% OK in total (entire EGI) is understood as threshold for passing to the next step. If not possible to proceed, report problems to OMB.
5 Operations The announcement about the new operations test is Monthly broadcast 

(This broadcast should be sent to site managers, NOC/ROC managers and ROD teams) See the template below for an indication of the message content.

Subject: XXX have been added to the EGI Operations Profile on XXX 

Dear All,

We would like to announce that test XXX will become operational on XXX

Short description of the test:

The documentation can be found:

Best regards,
6 Operations Mark the test as operations test in the Operational Portal.
7 SAM Add new test into ROC_OPERATORS profile in MyEGI
if the test if run by regional Nagios instances.
8 Operations Final check. Close parent ticket

Revision history

Version Authors Date Comments
M. Krakowian 19 August 2014 Change contact group -> Operations support
Alessandro Paolini 2016-06-08 "EGI Operations Support" was decommissioned, changed all the references to "Operations"