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Deploy HTC clusters on top of IaaS infrastructure

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How to deploy virtual HTC clusters on EGI


Overall, this document describes how to use the Elastic Cloud Computing Cluster (EC3) platform to create elastic virtual clusters on the EGI Federated Cloud infrastructure.

Configuration of the environment

EC3 has an official Docker container image available in Docker Hub that can be used instead of installing the CLI. You can download it by typing:

]$ sudo docker pull grycap/ec3

You can exploit all the potential of EC3 as if you download the CLI and run it on your computer.

List available templates

To list the available templates, use the command:

]$ cd $HOME
]$ sudo docker run -v /tmp/.ec3/clusters:/root/.ec3/clusters grycap/ec3 templates

name             	kind                                         summary
blcr           	    component 	Tool for checkpoint the applications.
centos-ec2          images   	CentOS 6.5 amd64 on EC2.
ckptman             component 	Tool to automatically checkpoint applications running on Spot instances.
docker       	    component 	An open-source tool to deploy applications inside software containers.
gnuplot             component 	A program to generate two- and three-dimensional plots.
nfs            	    component 	Tool to configure shared directories inside a network.
octave       	    component 	A high-level programming language for numerical computations
openvpn             component 	Tool to create a VPN network.
sge           	    main    	Install and configure a cluster SGE from distribution repositories.
slurm         	    main    	Install and configure a cluster SLURM 14.11 from source code.
torque              main    	Install and configure a cluster TORQUE from distribution repositories.
ubuntu-azure        images   	Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 on Azure.
ubuntu-ec2          images   	Ubuntu 14.04 amd64 on EC2.

List virtual clusters

To list the available running clusters, use the command:

]$ cd $HOME
]$ sudo docker run -v /tmp/.ec3/clusters:/root/.ec3/clusters grycap/ec3 list

    name        state           IP           nodes 
 cluster      configured    212.189.145.XXX    0

Create a cluster

To launch a cluster, you can use the recipes that you have locally by mounting the folder as a volume, or create your dedicated ones. Also, it is recommendable to maintain the data of active clusters locally, by mounting a volume. In the next example, we are going to deploy a new Torque/Maui cluster on one cloud provider of the EGI Federation (INFN-CATANIA-STACK).

The cluster will be configured with the following templates:

#torque (default template), 
#configure_nfs (patched template), 
#ubuntu-1604-occi-INFN-CATANIA-STACK (user's template), 
#cluster_configure (user's template)

. User’s templates are stored in

]$ cd $HOME
]$ sudo docker run -v /home/centos/:/tmp/ \
             -v /home/centos/ec3/templates:/etc/ec3/templates \
             -v /tmp/.ec3/clusters:/root/.ec3/clusters grycap/ec3 launch unicam_cluster \
             torque ubuntu-1604-occi-INFN-CATANIA-STACK cluster_configure configure_nfs \
             -a /tmp/auth_INFN-CATANIA-STACK.dat 

Creating infrastructure
Infrastructure successfully created with ID: 529c62ec-343e-11e9-8b1d-300000000002
Front-end state: launching
Front-end state: pending
Front-end state: running 
IP: 212.189.145.XXX
Front-end configured with IP 212.189.145.XXX
Transferring infrastructure
Front-end ready!

Authorization file

The authorization file stores in plain text the credentials to access the cloud providers, the IM service and the VMRC service. Each line of the file is composed by pairs of key and value separated by semicolon, and refers to a single credential. The key and value should be separated by "=", that is an equals sign preceded and followed by one white space at least.

Examples: Creation of an auth file to use X.509 proxy certificate.

]$ cd $HOME
]$ cat auth_INFN-CATANIA-STACK.dat 
id = occi; type = OCCI; proxy = file(/tmp/proxy.pem); host =


This section contains the templates used to configure the cluster.

a.) cluster_configure.radl
]$ cd $HOME
]$ cat ec3/templates/cluster_configure.radl
configure front (
  - vars:
     - USERS:
       - { name: user01, password: <PASSWORD> }
       - { name: user02, password: <PASSWORD> }
    - user: 
        name: "{{ }}" 
        password: "{{ item.password }}"
        shell: /bin/bash 
        append: yes 
        state: present
      with_items: "{{ USERS }}"
    - name: Install missing dependences in Debian system
      apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present
       - build-essential
       - mpich
       - gcc
       - g++
       - vim
      become: yes
      when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
    - name: SSH without password    
        name: grycap.ssh
        ssh_type_of_node: front
        ssh_user: "{{ }}"
      loop: '{{ USERS }}'  
        loop_var: user
    - name: Updating the /etc/hosts.allow file
        path: /etc/hosts.allow
        line: 'sshd: XXX.XXX.XXX.*'
      become: yes
    - name: Updating the /etc/hosts.deny file
        path: /etc/hosts.deny
        line: 'ALL: ALL'
      become: yes
configure wn (
  - vars:
     - USERS: 
       - { name: user01, password: <PASSWORD> }
       - { name: user02, password: <PASSWORD> }
    - user:
        name: "{{ }}"
        password: "{{ item.password }}"
        shell: /bin/bash 
        append: yes 
        state: present
      with_items: "{{ USERS }}"
    - name: Install missing dependences in Debian system
      apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present
       - build-essential
       - mpich
       - gcc
       - g++
       - vim
      become: yes
      when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
    - name: SSH without password
        name: grycap.ssh
        ssh_type_of_node: wn
        ssh_user: "{{ }}"
      loop: '{{ USERS }}'
        loop_var: user

    - name: Updating the /etc/hosts.allow file
        path: /etc/hosts.allow
        line: 'sshd: XXX.XXX.XXX.*'
      become: yes
    - name: Updating the /etc/hosts.deny file
        path: /etc/hosts.deny
        line: 'ALL: ALL'
      become: yes
b.) ubuntu-1604-occi-INFN-CATANIA-STACK.radl
]$ cd $HOME
]$ cat ec3/templates/ubuntu-1604-occi-INFN-CATANIA-STACK.radl 
description ubuntu-1604-occi-INFN-CATANIA-STACK (
    kind = 'images' and
    short = 'Ubuntu 16.04' and
    content = 'FEDCLOUD Image for EGI Ubuntu 16.04 LTS [Ubuntu/16.04/VirtualBox]'
system front (
    cpu.arch = 'x86_64' and
    cpu.count >= 4 and
    memory.size >= 8196 and
    instance_type = '' and = 'linux' and
    # EGI_Training tenant
    disk.0.image.url = '' and
    disk.0.os.credentials.username = 'ubuntu'
system wn (
    cpu.arch = 'x86_64' and
    cpu.count >= 2 and
    memory.size >= 2048m and
    ec3_max_instances = 10 and # maximum number of working nodes in the cluster
    instance_type = '' and = 'linux' and
    # EGI_Training tenant
    disk.0.image.url = '' and
    disk.0.os.credentials.username = 'ubuntu'
c.) configure_nfs.radl
]$ cd $HOME
]$ cat ec3/templates/configure_nfs.radl
description nfs (
    kind = 'component' and
    short = 'Tool to configure shared directories inside a network.' And
    content = 'Network File System (NFS) client allows you to access shared directories from Linux client. 
    This recipe installs nfs from the repository and shares the /home/ubuntu directory with all the nodes 
    that compose the cluster.
network public (
    outports contains '111/tcp' and
    outports contains '111/udp' and
    outports contains '2046/tcp' and
    outports contains '2046/udp' and
    outports contains '2047/tcp' and
    outports contains '2047/udp' and
    outports contains '2048/tcp' and
    outports contains '2048/udp' and
    outports contains '2049/tcp' and
    outports contains '2049/udp' and
    outports contains '892/tcp' and
    outports contains '892/udp' and
    outports contains '32803/tcp' and
    outports contains '32769/udp' 
system front (
    ec3_templates contains 'nfs' and
    disk.0.applications contains (name = 'ansible.modules.grycap.nfs')
configure front (
  - roles:
    - { role: 'grycap.nfs', nfs_mode: 'front', nfs_exports: [{path: "/home", export: wn*.localdomain(rw,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure)"}] }
system wn ( ec3_templates contains 'nfs' )
configure wn (
  - roles:
    - { role: 'grycap.nfs', nfs_mode: 'wn', nfs_client_imports: [{ local: "/home", remote: "/home", server_host: '{{ hostvars[groups["front"][0]]["IM_NODE_PRIVATE_IP"] }}' }] }
include nfs_misc (
  template = 'openports'

Access the cluster

To access the cluster, use the command:

]$ cd $HOME
]$ sudo docker run -ti -v /tmp/.ec3/clusters:/root/.ec3/clusters grycap/ec3 ssh unicam_cluster

Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-164-generic x86_64)
 * Documentation:
Last login: Tue Feb 19 13:04:45 2019 from

Configuration of the cluster

a.) Enable Password-based authentication

Change settings in /etc/ssh/sshd_config

# Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords
PasswordAuthentication yes

Restart the ssh daemon:

]$ sudo service ssh restart

b.) Configure the number of processors of the cluster

]$ cat /var/spool/torque/server_priv/nodes
wn1 np=XX
wn2 np=XX

To obtain the number of CPU/cores (np) in Linux, use the command:

]$ lscpu | grep -i CPU
CPU op-mode(s): 	32-bit, 64-bit
CPU(s):                	16
On-line CPU(s) list:   	0-15
CPU family:            	6
Model name:            	Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5520  @ 2.27GHz
CPU MHz:               	2266.858
NUMA node0 CPU(s):     	0-3,8-11
NUMA node1 CPU(s):     	4-7,12-15

c.) Test the cluster

Create a simple test script:

]$ cat

#PBS -N job
#PBS -q batch

hostname -f
sleep 5

Submit to the batch queue:

]$ qsub -l nodes=2

Destroy the cluster

To destroy the running cluster, use the command:

]$ cd $HOME
]$ sudo docker run -ti -v /tmp/.ec3/clusters:/root/.ec3/clusters grycap/ec3 destroy unicam_cluster

WARNING: you are going to delete the infrastructure (including frontend and nodes).
Continue [y/N]? y
Success deleting the cluster!
