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PROC13 VO Deregistration

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Title VO Deregistration Procedure
Document link [1]
Version - last modified 0.6 - 18 June 2012
Policy Group Acronym OMB
Policy Group Name Operations Management Board
Contact Person
Document Status DRAFT
Approved Date N/A
Procedure Statement A procedure for the steps involved to decommission a Virtual Organization currently registered in the EGI infrastructure.

VO Deregistration Procedure

A VO registers [R3] to the European Grid Infrastructure in the perspective to get access to resources supplied by the participating resource centres. The VO is bound by the appropriate operational and security policies [R4, R5, R6, R7] but those documents do not define how to handle situations like a VO wanting to leave the European Grid Infrastructure. This document contains a procedure to permanently deregister a VO from the European Grid Infrastructure.

The current document is intended to the VO manager, who understands the needs of the VO users and is responsible to apply the registration and deregistration procedures, and to the VO supervisor, who coordinates the overall process and takes the VO manager role case he is unavailable, unresponsive or unable to commit to the defined procedure timelines. It is certainly also beneficial for site managers, as well as people involved in grid management aspects, especially in the fields of security and operations.

Note: a separate policy document will provide the guidelines to propose and agree a VO deregistration. This document contains the steps to be performed once the decision to decommission the VO is taken.


  • Resource Centre refers to the definition in the "Resource Centre OLA".
In this document, the term "site" is deprecated, and Resource Centre has been used in its place.
  • Other entities involved in this procedure are defined in the EGI Glossary.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", “MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Entities involved in the procedure

The main players participating in the VO deregistration procedure are:

  • The VO Manager (VOM).
  • The VO Supervisor (VOS). For unresponsive VOs, the VOS drives the deregistration process Important: for regional VOs with unresponsive VOM, the OC staff should act as
  • The resource centres supporting the VO resources.
  • The VO users (VOU).

The tools available to support the deregistration procedure are:

  • The EGI Help-desk (GGUS), link.
  • The Accounting Portal, link.
  • The EGI Operations Portal, link.

Contact information

  • EGI Operations: operations (at)
  • EGI Resource Infrastructure Providers are listed on the EGI web site
  • A list of EGI Operations Centres with their respective contact information is available from the GOCDB
  • The list of VO's served by a specific Resource Centre and their ID cards can be retrieved from the Operations Portal.
  • The VO managers and their contact information for a specific VO can be retrieved from the Operations Portal.

Actions and responsibilities

VO Supervisor (COO)

  1. Manage the VO statuses
  2. Overview the VO decommissioning procedure if the VO Manager is not responsive, performing the main steps

VO manager

  1. Carry on the procedure steps
  2. give the users the relevant information about the decommissioning (deadlines, involved resources, files, how to handle it)
  3. follow-up and support users in their file migration procedures until the deadline

VO Users

  1. Promptly report to VO Manager any request to modify the VO decommissioning timeline


Request validation

The following entities can submit a deregistration request for a VO through a GGUS ticket:

  1. VO Manager
  2. VO Supervisor
  3. VO User
  4. NGI Operations Manager
  5. Site Manager

A request submitted by the VO Manager does not require an assessment of the VO usage. Steps from 3 and beyond must be performed only if the requester is not the VO Manager of the VO.

# Responsible Action
1 Requester # Submit a GGUS ticket, assigned to "VO Services", including the deregistration request. The ticket must contain the following information:
    • Role of requester (from the list above)
    • Motivation of the request
    • Assessment of the VO activities in the past year
2 VO Supervisor #Validate the request
    1. Validate the requester identity
    2. If the requester is the VO Manager, the request is accepted, and the following steps can be skipped
    3. If the requester is another entity, the following steps must be performed
3 VO Supervisor #Assess the VO activities during the last 12 months. To accept the request the requirements are:
    • The VO has not produced any accounting data for more than one year. Data available in the custom view of Accounting Portal
    • The VO has not produced any data flows for more than one year. Data available in the Gstat VO view

If the two conditions above are not satisfied the request is rejected, and the following steps can be skipped.

4 VO Supervisor # Notify the VO Manager about the pending request of VO decommission:
    • Open a GGUS ticket vs the VO support unit (if available).
    • Contact directly the VO Manager using the contact in the VO ID card.
    • Both GGUS ticket and the mail sent to VO Manager must contain the following information:
      • Details of the request
      • The deadline to provide feedback on the request (min 1 month).
5 VO Manager VO Manager should discuss the VO deregistration request within the community and provide a feedback
  1. Discuss the deregistration request within the VO community and provide feedback in the GGUS ticket or via email, within the deadline.
    • If the community still needs the VO, VO Manager should provide the motivations to reject the decommissioning
6 VO Supervisor #The request can be approved if:
    • The VO Manager did not reply and he did not provide any feedback before the deadline
    • The VO Manager agrees with the proposal
  1. The request must be rejected if:
    • The VO Manager provided feedback and motivations to reject the decommissioning

VO Deregistration procedure

  • Actions tagged VOM are the responsibility of the VO Manager of the VO being decommissioned.
  • Actions tagged VOS are the responsibility of the VO Supervisor (Currently COO). For regional team this role will be carried by the Operations Centre Team.
  • Actions tagges VOU are the responsibility of the single VO users
# Responsible Action
1 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. Open a GGUS ticket to begin the deregistration process. The ticket should contain the following information:
    • The date of the decision of the VO decommissioning (prior to the begin of the procedure)
      • If available the link to the GGUS ticket that contains such decision
    • The proposed timeline for the decommission procedure:
      • Expected date for the VOMS server decommission
      • Expected date for the Helpdesk support unit decommission
  2. Ticket should be assigned to the "VO Services" support unit

(Optional step)

  1. Provide a snapshot of the resources supporting the VO
    • List of grid services
    • List of files registered in the VO's LFCs (alternatively storage space used by DN)

VO Manager can retrieve these information by himself, or ask support to the LFC service administrator. If it is no possible to retrieve the information, or if VOM considers this step unnecessary, it can be skipped.

3 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. Send a broadcast to all the VO users, specifying:
    • A link to the master GGUS ticket opened at point 1
    • The timeline for the deregistration (minimum one month from the broadcast)
    • The VOMS server is being decommissioned in one month (minimum), after the decommission users will not be able to request a proxy to access the grid services
  2. If there are other VOs accessing the VO data (and only if VOM provides this information):
    • Send a broadcast to the VO Managers of the affected VOs containing the same set of information, asking them to directly coordinate with the VOM to retrieve the relevant data
3bis VOU
  1. Users may ask for an extension of the deregistration timeline
    • The request MUST be submitted within 10 days from the broadcast, answering the main ticket.
    • The request SHOULD be supported by technical reasons (e.g. the amount of data stored in the SEs is too big to be moved within the end of the procedure.
  1. After 15 days of the previous broadcast, send another broadcast to the VO users
    • If users did not ask for an extension, send a broadcast as a reminder (with the same information as in step 3
    • If users asked for an extension, send a broadcast with the new timeline
5 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. At the end of the one month period (or longer period, if extended at point 3bis) a child ticket of the master ticket should be opened and assigned to the resource centre hosting the VOMS server that supports the VO, in order to request to disable the VO.
    • Note for the resource centre: if the RC decides to decommission the VOMS server the following procedure must be used: PROC12.
6 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. Open a GGUS ticket to "VO Services" requesting the status change of the VO to "suspended", the ticket must be a child ticket of the master ticket.
    • If this step is carried out directly by the VOS there is no need to open an additional ticket, but the action must be recorded in the master ticket
7 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. Broadcast to site managers that the VO has been decommissioned, adding the following instructions/information:
    • The link to the GGUS master ticket
    • If the resource centre is supporting the VO, it could be disabled in the services' configuration
    • Logs have to be maintained as long as requested by the traceability policy
8 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. Broadcast to VO users that the VO has been decommissioned, adding the following information:
    • The VO status will be set to "deleted" in 2 weeks, after this operation the VO will no more be visible in the Operations Portal
    • A link to the master ticket
  2. Link the broadcast text in the master ticket
9 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. Open a ticket vs the "GGUS" support unit in the EGI helpdesk system, requesting the decommissioning of the VO support unit, if this support unit is available. This ticket must be a child ticket of the master ticket
    • The decommissionin of a VO support unit differs from a regular support unit in GGUS, and the technical actions have not been yet defined by the GGUS team.
10 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. Open a GGUS ticket to "VO Services" requesting the status change of the VO to "deleted", the ticket must be a child ticket of the master ticket.
    • If this step is carried out directly by the VOS there is no need to open an additional ticket, but the action must be recorded in the master ticket
11 VOM (alternatively VOS)
  1. Close the master ticket
    • This step concludes the deregistration procedure
Additional notes
  1. VO Manager and VO users must manage their tools (such as mailing lists, monitoring tools, portals) separately, and they are out of the scope of this procedure
  2. If the VO provides tools for the users access to the grid resources (for example science portals or user interfaces), logs must be retained as requested by the "Grid Security Traceability and Logging Policy"


The first version of this procedure has been edited by Goncalo Borges (LIP).