Product ID card description
Technology Providers (TP) that release products in CMD provide, for each product:
- Name of the product
- Status in CMD, reflects the step reached in the initial Provisioning process (Unplanned, Planned, Queued, Released); when Queued, it means that the UMD team has included the product in the corresponding RT queue, and is working on it
- Description of the product
- Capabilities can be one or more among:
- Authentication
- Library
- Client tools
- Data access
- Accounting
- File access
- VM Management
- VM Image Management
- Container Management
- Scheduling
- Information System
- Client API
- Technology Provider name; if the product is the result of the joint effort of two or more projects, please include here all of them
- Name of the Responsible for the product; this could be even more than one person
- Contacts for technical discussions; this can be different from the responsible, namely one person (or more) to be contacted in case of issues with the ID card or the provisioning workflow for the product
- OpenStack version supported (Liberty, Mitaka...), the product will be included in the release cycle of CMD-OS (OpenStack); if the product is aligned with the OpenStack release cycle, you can just specify that
- OpenNebula versions supported, the product will be included in the release cycle of CMD-ONE (OpenNebula)
- Operating Systems all the products are supposed to be working on CentOS7 and Ubuntu 14.04
- Preferred release channels, it can be a simple repository, or AppDB or other channels
- Documentation about the installation and configuration of the product; if no automated verification procedure is provided by the TP, a step-by-step installation and configuration guide must be provided by the TP, that the verification team can use to create the verification procedure
- Verification procedure, consisting in puppet/ansible profiles or scripts or any kind of automated configuration profile available for verification, with corresponding instructions; verification is our responsibility, however providing us with these automated installation7configuration procedures usually created and used by Resource Centre administrators helps us *a lot* in speeding up the process of releasing the product
- a list of possible Early Adopters to contact to handle the Staged Rollout phase for each product; we usually make regular calls for early adopters, but if you already can suggest some, it is very welcome
- Support unit If a GGUS Support Unit is already set, please provide us with the exact name of the SU. Please have a look at for more information on GGUS Support Units and/or on how to create a new one if needed. If a GGUS SU is not available, at least an email address (possibly a team mailing list) should be provided
- Quality of support If a GGUS SU is available, the QoS can be one among Base, Medium, Advanced, please have a look at for further information. If GGUS SU exists and QoS is not provided, Base will be assumed. If you cannot provide a GGUS SU related QoS level, you can always suggest your own QoS specification ("best effort", "full support") and be more descriptive.
- Support calendar for the major releases currently supported (i.e. end of support, end of security support, release cycle description...)
- Last update of the record itself in the wiki (this is needed to check periodically how fresh the information are)
Name | Status | Description | Capabilities | Technology Provider | Responsible | Contacts | OpenStack version supported | Operating Systems | Release channels | Documentation | Verification procedure | Early Adopters | Support Unit | Support calendar | Last update |
cASO | unplanned | OpenStack accounting extractor | Accounting | IFCA/CSIC | Alvaro Lopez | aloga at | All OpenStack versions | N/A | GitHub releases | | PT internal | - | N/A | Best Effort |
APEL-SSM TODO IN PROGRESS UNDER REVIEW COMPLETEDTitle Name Description Technology Provider Documentation Release notes Support unit Status Owner Next review APEL-SSM ID Card Secure STOMP Messenger for sending usage records to the Accounting Repository. STFC APEL client & Accounting Repository Responsible person for this entry. It could be the the product team leader or staff