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CGSI-gSOAP 1.3.11

CREAM 1.16.7

The CREAM (Computing Resource Execution And Management) Service is a simple, lightweight service that implements all the operations at the Computing Element (CE) level; its well-defined WebService-based interface and its implementation as an extension of the Java-Axis servlet (running inside the Apache Tomcat container) provide interoperability with clients written in any programming language and running on any computer platform.

The CREAM interface is well-defined using the Web Service Description Language (WSDL); anyone can generate his/her CREAM client by simply filling in the stub code generated by WSDL parser (gSOAP for C/C++, Axis for Java, Perl module for perl).

Read more in the documentation:

This release of CREAM fixes some issues with the latest version of Bouncycastle, CAnL and VOMS published in EPEL. Find more details in the release notes.

davix 0.6.8

davix is a C++ toolkit for advanced I/O on remote resources with HTTP based protocols.

Release notes:

dCache 3.2.27

dCache provides a system for storing and retrieving huge amounts of data, distributed among a large number of heterogeneous server nodes, under a single virtual filesystem tree with a variety of standard access methods.

Detailed release notes on the official product site:

frontier-squid 3.5.27-5.2

The frontier-squid software package is a patched version of the standard squid http proxy cache software, pre-configured for use by the Frontier distributed database caching system. This installation is recommended for use by Frontier in the LHC CMS & ATLAS projects, and also works well with the CernVM FileSystem. Many people also use it for other applications as well

Release notes:

xrootd 4.8.4

XRootD software framework is a fully generic suite for fast, low latency and scalable data access, which can serve natively any kind of data, organized as a hierarchical filesystem-like namespace, based on the concept of directory. As a general rule, particular emphasis has been put in the quality of the core software parts.

Detailled release notes at