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EGI-InSPIRE:MS108 interoperation

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Notes to contributors

Assessment: (Provide an assessment of the delivery of services over the past year from a managerial perspective; highlight positive areas and areas for improvement; do not include future plans; text should be roughly 1-2 paragraphs)

Score: (assign a numerical score from 1 to 5 with a succinct explanation of what needs to be improved to increase your score – remove numerical description references upon completion) 1 = An unacceptable level of service was delivered

2 = A level of service that was below expectations was delivered

3 = An acceptable service level has been delivered

4 = A level of service that exceeded expectations was delivered, but there is scope for even further improvement

5 = An excellent service has been delivered that should be considered as best practice

Table 4: EGI Global task assessment:Interoperation between NGIs and DCIs
# Name Assessment Score How to Improve
# Interoperation between NGIs and DCIs In the beginning this global task was hindered by some unclarities especially concerning the responsibilities and the correct contact points in start-up time and the general very long time it took to create and decide on an useful structure. With the current structure in place and the ordered procedures within OMB and OTAG this things have been clarified. Although this global task feels that the NGIs still don't use their power that came with the switch from EGEE to EGI, either because the are not fully aware of it and need more transparency or that they don't have the means to fully embrace it. Only individual NGIs participate in building up EGI and in the constant decision making process going on. And even they have to be reminded regularly on the current valid procedures and to not only cook their own soup and to use the official channels instead.

In that context during last year integration with other DCIs was only fulfilled in a rather passive approach which included getting to know each other and search for possible fruitful collaboration targets and trying to push some common standards.

3 The NGIs need to get reminded on their entitlement and their possiblities to actively participate in EGI. A simplified how-to on the current desired structure and workflow has to be handed to them in order to help them through the jungle of current requirements and changing procedures, terms and agreements.

The willingless of the NGIs to contribute is not the problem. We have to tell them repeatedly how we want them to contribute in a desirable way that is easy for them to understand and where they don't just react to surveys and quarterly report deadlines, but proactively dare to e.g. formulate requirements on their own.