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HOWTO11 How to use the rOCCI Client

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The rOCCI Client

The OCCI gem includes a client you can use directly from shell with the following auth methods: x509 (with --password, --user-cred and --ca-path), basic (with --username and --password), digest (with --username and --password), none. If you won't set a password using --password, the client will ask for it later on.

Find out more about available options and defaults use

occi --help

Create a proxy with VOMS extension

#voms-proxy-init --voms --rfc --dont_verify_ac
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Contacting [/DC=org/DC=terena/DC=tcs/C=CZ/O=CESNET/] ""...
Remote VOMS server contacted succesfully.

Created proxy in /tmp/x509up_u504.

Your proxy is valid until Sat Jun 14 01:09:06 CEST 2014

List available resources use

occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action list --resource compute --auth x509
occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action list --resource storage --auth x509
occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action list --resource network --auth x509

Describe available resources use

occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action describe --resource compute --auth x509
occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action describe --resource storage --auth x509
occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action describe --resource network --auth x509

Describe specific resources use

occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action describe --resource /compute/<OCCI_ID> --auth x509
occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action describe --resource /storage/<OCCI_ID> --auth x509
occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action describe --resource /network/<OCCI_ID> --auth x509

List available OS templates or Resource templates use

occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action list --resource os_tpl --auth x509
occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action list --resource resource_tpl --auth x509

Describe a specific OS template or Resource template use

occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action describe --resource os_tpl#debian6 --auth x509
occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action describe --resource resource_tpl#small --auth x509

Create a compute resource with mixins use

occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action create --resource compute --mixin os_tpl#debian6 --mixin resource_tpl#small --attribute occi.core.title="My rOCCI VM" --auth x509

Delete a compute resource use

occi --endpoint https://<ENDPOINT>:<PORT>/ --action delete --resource /compute/<OCCI_ID> --auth x509


For more information, please, visit the rOCCI client GitHub repository