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1. Task Meetings

There were no formal task meetings held this quarter. Many internal team meetings and one-to-ones with users, sites, and RIPs.

2. Main Achievements

APEL Migrated  90% of the production/certified sites (excluding those that we know are not using their own accounting solution)  to ActiveMQ APEL publishing. Of the 10% left, only 4% are sites which were previously using RGMA, the other 6% are sites that have never published.

Migrated the APEL documentation from the old goc wiki to the EGI wiki ( 

New ActiveMQ STOMP consumer ready in pre-production for external testing. Currently working with NGS and Hungary in testing. CERN will start using this interface for publishing of local jobs soon.
Implemented a prototype feed from an existing RUS into APEL.

Portal: No new releases of the accounting portal during this quarter. The service ran smoothly. We were working in the following issues:

- #GGUS 70193 - The accounting portal with metrics does not work with firefox4 
- #GGUS 69846 - EGI accounting pages show wrong values 
- #GGUS 62380 - HOW-TO of Foreign USER COMPUTATION 
- #GGUS 68953 - GGUS-FAQ about Responsible Units 
- #GGUS 69070 - [2] EGI Accounting portal - VO member view option 
- #GGUS 58980 - Wrong Italian Tier2 federations definition on accounting portal 
- #GGUS 67374 - The accounting information for disappeared from the VO Manager view 

3. Issues and Mitigation

Issue Description Mitigation Description
Hiring process at CESGA                          A new member was hired at CESGA (Ivan Diez) to solve this issue.
Accounting Portal roadmap delay
The broker had some issues during March which only affected a small percentage of sites. This was solved in less than a week and there was no loss of data.

4. Plans for the next period

APEL=A, Portal=P

1. (A) New Central Infrastructure in Production at RAL.

2. A) Central Server ready to receive records from new clients.

3. (A) Sites start to migrate to new version of glite-APEL which will use production messaging infrastructure. 

4. (P) Test the new messaging infrastructure to gather data from the central repository. June

5. (P) Accounting Portal OS upgrade and new release. July.

6. (P) Internal redesign. Implement pChart framework. June