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EGI-InSPIRE:MS108 Operations Portal

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Notes to contributors

Assessment: (Provide an assessment of the delivery of services over the past year from a managerial perspective; highlight positive areas and areas for improvement; do not include future plans; text should be roughly 1-2 paragraphs)

Score: (assign a numerical score from 1 to 5 with a succinct explanation of what needs to be improved to increase your score – remove numerical description references upon completion) 1 = An unacceptable level of service was delivered

2 = A level of service that was below expectations was delivered

3 = An acceptable service level has been delivered

4 = A level of service that exceeded expectations was delivered, but there is scope for even further improvement

5 = An excellent service has been delivered that should be considered as best practice

Table 4: EGI Global task assessment:Operations portal
# Name Assessment Score How to Improve
# Operations portal The transition from EGEE to EGI has been smooth and the integration in the new Operations Portal has been done successfully step by step .

The main challenge has been the migration of the key features like dashboard , broadcast tool and VO ID cards in the EGI context in a little time. The difficulty was enforced by the multiple communication channels used by the different people involved in the decision process. Nevertheless we finally succeed to achieve the different tasks successfully and reach a high level of satisfaction for users. The communication with the different instances has been considerably improved via different groups like OTAG and USAG. The set-up of 4 regional instances was also a great success.

4 The communication with users could be improved and the transparency of the different on-going developments could be higher.

The workload for the regional support has been also under estimated and we have to increase the quality of the package (documentation , upgrade guide) in order to decrease the time spent on the support.