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Quarterly Report Number NGI Name Partner Name Author



Date Location Title Participants Outcome (Short report & Indico URL)


Pubblication Title Journal Volume Autors

Implementation of the ANSYS Commercial Suite on the EGI Grid Platform

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

2013, Volume 7971/2013, pages 84-95

1.Costantini A.
2. Cesini, D.
3. Bencivenni, M.

4. Veronesi, P.
Et al


2.1. User Support achievements

NGI_IT user support activities for new communties during the 13th quarter focused on the following main streams:

  • Support to the BioComputing Group of the Bologna University, Italy: support was provided to create and run a computing model for a use case based on the BLAST application for sequence alignement, 17 million sequences aligned all-against-all.  The production requires about 800kcore hours and is now almost completed (about 3TB the foreseen output data size) - a complex data management model was needed for the input data.
  • Establishing contacts and support activities to the project community: DRIHM is a project about meteoroly and hydrology to study and forecast flooding events - coordianation is in Italy (CIMA Foundation) - we had preliminary contacts and started some technical work to support part of their computing model. In particular we focused on one computing model level for which we would like to propose a cloud approach based on WNoDES, which is a virtulaisaztion system that instantiates virtual machines on grid resources via grid jobs. We are also participating to the EGI-DRIHM testbed and related activities coordinated by EGI  to support other layers of the computing model.
  • Support to the EMSO ESFRI project: the project is about data handling for a distributed infrastructure of submarine experimental sites - the coordination is in italy, INGV - the grid-related activities were stuck after an initial interest by the community (presented in Prague at the TF12) - in the last quarter we had a meeting with the community trying to resume the activities, some actions were decided. The computing model  requirements were analysed, mainly for what concerns the data management and the interoperability between the grid resources and different DB and storage systems already in use by the community.
    Some NGI_IT resources were provided to the community through groups created in a catch all national VO since a VO for EMSO does not exist yet.
  • Support to the COMPCHEM VO: various user support activities and application porting for several applications. Coordination of the VT to create a CMMST VRC - see VTs section.
  • A new INFN community - the SPES experiment at the Legnaro National Laboratories, in Legnaro, Padova - requested the porting of the FLUKA monte carlo application to the NGI_IT resources. We are supporting the porting activity and probably a high level web interface in the IGI Portal will be provided to the community.

2.2. Plans

During PQ14 we plan to continue the already stared coomunnity support activities and we are planning a grid school based on real life applications and their porting to the distributed infrastructure for a selected number of reasearch groups belonging to the computational chemistry and astrophysical disciplines. Should be held at the end of the year.

2.3. Issues and mitigation

Issue Description Mitigation Description