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Dteam vo

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Migaction of the dteam VO from CERN to EGI VOMS (AUTH/NGI_GRNET)

  1. Sync dteam Greece with dteam CERN.
  2. Advise sites to add the new VOMS server to their configuration. They need to be told new site-info.def definitions to replace these:
 VO_DTEAM_VOMSES="\'dteam 15004 \ 
/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/ dteam 24' \  
'dteam 15004 \ 
/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/ dteam 24' \" 
  1. Sites also need an rpm containing the host cert(s) of the new VOMS server(s) at least for the WMS, while it still requires the certs of supported VOs. We could add those certs to lcg-vomscerts to smoothen the transition, but it may be better for EGI to control its own rpm.
  1. Wait a bit (1 month sounds reasonable).
  1. Close registrations at CERN. service stop vomrs should do.
  2. Sync dteam Greace with dteam CERN.
  3. Advise new users to register with Greece.
  4. Remove CERN dteam.
  5. Advise sites to drop CERN dteam configuration.