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Competence centre Disaster Mitigation

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EGI-Engage Competence centres: Main page ELIXIR BBMRI MoBrain DARIAH LifeWatch EISCAT_3D EPOS Disaster Mitigation | EGI-Engage Knowledge Commons


The objective of the this Ccompetence Centre (CC) is to make available customised IT services to support the climate and disaster mitigation researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the most serious natural disasters that affect Asia (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons) and to mitigate multi-hazards via data-intensive, e-Science techniques and collaborations. The task strongly builds on experts from the Asia-Pacific region who will create virtual research environments with embedded services and simulations that enable the sharing of disaster-related data, tools, applications and knowledge among field-workers, scientists, and e-Infrastructure experts, shortening the time they can respond to natural disasters. The CC will have two associated partners, the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ, Germany) and University of St. Andrews (UStA, UK) to connect the activities with related projects and initiatives in Europe.

CC Coordinator: Eric Yen, Simon Lin

CC members' list: cc-disastermitigation AT

General Introduction of the Disaster Mitigation Competence Centre (DMCC) could be found at:


The partners of Disaster Mitigation Competence Centre are:

1. Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Leading Partner, represented by Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC))
2. Institute of Earth Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
3. Research Centre of Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
4. National Central University, Taiwan
5. Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia
6. Korean Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Korea
7. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia
8. Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI), Philippine
9. Thailand National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC), Thailand
10. Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), Germany
11. University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom


1. PM14:
(1) Provide tsunami wave propagation simulation web portal to the public
(2) Release gWRF weather simulation web portal
2. PM19: Finish two high risk tsunami subduction zones scenario analysis in Asia Pacific region
3. PM24
(1) Apply WRF/chem tracer modelling study to demonstrate the biomass-burning transport mechanism and its impact on air quality.
(2) Release the prototype of WRF-Noah-UCM on UHI simulation of a city in a partner country
4. PM29: Finish the design larger scale multi-hazards simulation attempting to reduce the uncertainty of climate change assessment


Teleconference meetings are organised for CC members since the kick-off in March 2015. Agendas, connection details, meeting materials of these are available at

Other meetings related to the CC: 1. Kick-Off Meeting: March 16, 17, 2015,
3. APAN40 4. EGI Community Forum, Bari, November 2015: 5. APAN41, 2016, January 25-29: DMCC F2F meeting

Services to conduct disaster mitigation simulations


Use cases

This section provides a summary of those use cases that the Competence Centre is working on. These cases are simulation of disaster events from the past, with the goal to improve our understanding of the reasons why these events happened, and to be able to predict and mitigate similar disastrous events in the future.