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Running the SSM

First, install and configure the SSM:

IMPORTANT - once you have installed the SSM, you must provide us with the DN of the certificate you are using so that we can authenticate the messages we receive. In future, this will be done automatically via GOCDB, but for now you need to email us the DN.


Once you have installed and configured an SSM correctly, running it as a sender should be simple. You will have some messages or files which you wish to send to a server. The procedure the SSM follows is:

  • It checks its 'outgoing' directory for files ($SSM_HOME/messages/outgoing, or perhaps elsewhere depending on configuration).
  • It sends any files found in this directory as messages, one message per file.

It can do this in one of two ways:

  1. It can run continuously in the background as a daemon process, checking periodically for new files and sending them when it finds them
  2. It can run once, sending any files it finds in that directory at runtime and then exiting

Early versions of the SSM would only run continuously, but the people who manage the broker network would prefer that clients connect only as long as is necessary. We therefore recommend that clients collect their messages for one day and write them to the outgoing directory, then run the SSM once to send all those messages.

Running the SSM

These instructions assume you have installed the RPM. If not, you should be able to adapt them to your installation.

Running the SSM once

  • su - apel
  • export SSM_HOME=/opt/apel/ssm
  • $SSM_HOME/bin/run-ssm

The prompt will return once all messages have been sent. Hint: if you run the SSM before sending messages, it will create the messages directory and subdirectories for you.

Running the SSM as a service

  • service ssmd start

The prompt will return immediately and the process will run, sending any messages which appear while the SSM is running. To stop the SSM:

  • service ssmd stop