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EGI Inspire Main page

Notes to contributors

Assessment: (Provide an assessment of the delivery of services over the past year from a managerial perspective; highlight positive areas and areas for improvement; do not include future plans; text should be roughly 1-2 paragraphs)

Score: (assign a numerical score from 1 to 5 with a succinct explanation of what needs to be improved to increase your score – remove numerical description references upon completion) 1 = An unacceptable level of service was delivered

2 = A level of service that was below expectations was delivered

3 = An acceptable service level has been delivered

4 = A level of service that exceeded expectations was delivered, but there is scope for even further improvement

5 = An excellent service has been delivered that should be considered as best practice

Table 4: EGI Global task assessment:Ticketing Processing Management
# Name Assessment Score How to Improve
# Ticketing Processing Management Since the beginning of EGI the TPM model with two teams is in place and well established now.

The Italian and the German teams share the TPM effort in fortnightly shifts, the schedule is accessible here: The majority of tickets were assigned by the TPM to the responsible SU in less than one working hour. Most of tickets whose assignment time took longer than 1 hour were submitted outside normal TPMs office hours, i.e. after 16hrs UTC, before 8hrs UTC or during week-ends i.e. between Friday 16hrs and the following Monday 8am (UTC).

[4] Ticket assignment could be further automated in order to save TPM time for another responsibility, the ticket monitoring - a quite exhaustive task which takes a lot of the total time spent for the TPM activity.

Now that the third level middleware support units (currently 30) are hidden behind the catch all support unit DMSU, GGUS could think of letting users assign tickets not only to NGIs/ROCs but also to the second level support units. This could be another procedure to bypass the TPM and thus save their time for other activities like the ticket monitoring.