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VT GPGPU/DraftSurvey

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EGI User Community GPGPU Survey


The use of General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) or accelerator devices, such as Intel's Xeon Phi co-processor, over the past few years has resulted in a huge increase in their exploitation by all the major scientific disciplines. With three of the top 10 clusters in the current June 2012 Top500 supercomputers list using NVIDIA GPGPUs, we would expect the number of GPGPU deployments at grid resource centres to grow significantly over the next few years. Moreover

The purpose of this survey is to gauge how the users currently use, or intend to use, GPGPUs or other accelerated devices in Grid or hybrid Grid/Cloud environments, or whether they shall use grids for this purpose. In particular, we would like to determine if there is a specific need from the User Communities for a more tightly integrated GPGPU capability within the grid environment. In addition, we welcome further user comments and feedback on any other aspects.

All data collected from the survey feedback will be processed anonymously.

User Profile

Q1 Which Scientific Discipline do you work in? ANS: Text

Q2 Do you currently use grid or cloud technologies? ANS: Yes or No

Q3 Do you use GPGPU based applications for your scientific computations (on a local cluster, other type of resources)? ANS: Yes or No

Q4 If you are not currently using GPGPUs, do you intend to use them within the next 18 months (if possible, please indicate when: Next 3 Months, Next 6 Months, Next 12 Months etc) - ANS: Yes + timeframe (optional) or No

Q5 Would you like to access GPGPU based resources through the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) ? ANS: Yes or No

Q6 Do you develop or intend to develop any GPGPU based applications? ANS: Yes or No

Application Development

Please Answer this section if you have answered yes to Q5.

Q6 What Application Programming Interface do/will you use? (e.g. CUDA, OpenCL, OpenACC, or Other) ANS; Text

Q7 Do you intend to develop code which depends on other application frameworks (e.g MPI, BLAST etc). If Yes, then please list an example. ANS; Yes + optional text or No