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EGI-InSPIRE:Plan 2012 SA1.6

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Assessment of progress, 2011

Middleware specific workflows prototyping

This task is done. Specific work flows for DMSU, EMI and the software release process are implemented and operational.

One of the areas that changed the most is middleware development, deployment and support. Whereas EGEE only supported one middleware stack (gLite) EGI is now bringing the main deployed middleware stacks closer together in a single distribution called UMD. Another difference is that in EGEE middleware development was part of the project, whereas EGI now receives its middleware components from external technology providers. The second level support for middleware issues is performed by the EGI body DMSU, the Deployed Middleware Support Unit. All middleware related tickets are routed through this support unit in GGUS. To enable this, a separate helpdesk instance, the Technology Helpdesk has been created. The third level support is then done by the technology providers, optionally using their own issue tracking systems. For EMI, support units have been created in the Technology Helpdesk on the level of the product teams or on the level of specific components. Additionally an overall EMI support unit has also been created, that serves as a catch-all support unit and can be used for more general requests. This generic EMI support unit and the DMSU are always in the loop when a ticket is assigned to a product team, thus enabling an overview over the tickets on the EGI and the EMI side. This means that the Technology Helpdesk is not only used inside EGI, but also by EMI. Only at the level of the product teams does a ticket leave the Technology Helpdesk to be transferred to the bug tracking tool used by this product team. Some of these tracking systems are interfaced with the Technology Helpdesk, for others the transfer is currently done manually. For IGE and SAGA, the initial workflow is simpler as there is just one third level support unit in the Technology Helpdesk. To these support units all Globus or SAGA related middleware bugs are reported. This workflow might change in the future, once an increasing number of tickets require a more sophisticated set-up.

Report generator remodeling

The remodeling of the GGUS Report Generator is still on the roadmap for 2012 as further requirements came up.

Review support units

This task is done. Obsolete support units have been moved to the "Former support units" list in GGUS search engine.

High availability of GGUS

This task is ongoing. Further actions are required in 2012.

NGI integration

Currently 33 NGIs are integrated in GGUS, 10 with automatic interface to local ticketing systems. 4 of them are xGUS instances. This task is ongoing.

Application/Community support

This task is still on the roadmap for 2012.

Plans for 2012

GGUS Report Generator

The current implementation of the GGUS Report Generator doesn't fit the needs for reporting in EGI. All requirements on reporting have been collected and discussed during a f2f work shop held on October, 26th to 27th at KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany (Agenda). The roadmap for the implementation of the enhanced GGUS Report Generator is as follows:

  • Presentation of first prototype on EGI Community Forum
  • First version available for the EGI Review mid of the year
  • Final version available by end of the year

Implemented features will be

  • SLA reporting for EMI, IGE, SAGA
  • calculation of response times and solution times
  • calculation of statistical values like median, average, maximum, minimum
  • reports by different parameters like priority, status, support unit, site etc.
  • ticket lifetime for user's view

Integration of further xGUS instances

Several new xGUS instances have to be set up during 2012.

  • ROC_China: work for this xGUS instance has already started but is not finished yet
  • NGI_Slovenia: needs to be set up from scratch
  • France Grilles Helpdesk: needs to be set up from scratch
  • Maybe some more NGIs

Missing NGIs in GGUS

  • Currently 33 NGIs are integrated in GGUS. We need to figure out which NGIs are still missing.
  • Russia is still appearing as ROC_Russia. ROC_Russia needs to be moved to NGI_RU.

Implementation of specific work flows for CSIRT/Security

  • The CSIRT team is currently evaluating whether they want to use GGUS.
  • If CSIRT will use GGUS the permissions and access rights schema needs to be adapted to their needs.

High availability of GGUS


Main purpose: Implement auto-switching between Web Front-end Hosts

  • Auto-switching between Web Front-ends
  • Auto-switching between Logic Servers
  • On call duty service integration
  • Design disaster recovery plan: processes, policies and procedures related to preparing for recovery or continuation of GGUS after a natural or human-induced disaster.


Main purpose: DBMS and other HA questions

  • Intrusion Prevention system configuration for GGUS
  • Improvements into Service Monitoring
  • DBMS on Virtual Environment migration Concept

Application/Community support

Evaluating the implementation of web widgets. Web widgets allow embedding e.g. the GGUS ticket submit form in dashboards and web pages of user communities. This feature was requested by EGI.