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TNA2.3 Policy Development

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  • Policy Development Manager: Sergio DOT Andreozzi AT egi DOT eu
  • Mailing list


Supporting the development of policy within and external to in conjunction with EGI‘s stakeholders relating to governance, standardisation and integration with other infrastructures.

Description of Work

A policy-development manager will coordinate the work of this task and will report to the activity leader, the Project Director. Policies are needed to govern the provision of a high-quality distributed-computing production-oriented infrastructure., the coordinating body for this community, provides management and policy groups for developing and approving policies relating to operations, software quality, security, user communities and general governance. The development of these policies is supported by the project and may have relevance and impact with other European (e.g. DEISA & PRACE) and International e infrastructure providers (e.g. Open Science Grid, TeraGrid) who will be involved in these policy discussions as appropriate.

Policy Glossary

Policy Development Process

We have defined a Policy Development Process governing the approval of policies and procedures documents produced by the EGI policy groups

Procedure Template

We have defined a Procedure Template.

Involved Partners and Participants

  • PN.1: EGI.EU - Stitching European Grid Initiative - Country: The Netherlands - PM: 164 (164E - 0N)
    • Steven Newhouse - Project Director
    • Sergio Andreozzi - Task Leader (Policy Development Manager at
    • Damir Marinovic - (Policy Development Officer)
    • Sy Holsinger - (Policy Development Officer)
  • PN.2: UPT - Polytechnic University of Tirana - Country: Albania - PM: 5 (0E - 5N)
  • PN.7: SWITCH - Teleinformatik für Lehre und Forschung -Country: Switzerland - PM: 7 (0E - 7N)
    • Christoph Witzig, SWITCH
  • PN.8: UCY - University of Cyprus - Country: Cyprus - PM 2 (0E - 2N)
    • Demetris Zeinalipour, UCY
  • PN.9: CESNET - Zajmove sdruzeni pravnickych osob - Country: Czech Republic - PM: 4 (0E - 4N)
    • Ludek Matiska, CESNET
  • PN.10: KIT-G - Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie - Country: Germany - PM: 4 (0E - 4N)
    • Torsten Antoni, KIT-G
  • PN.10: BADW - Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften- Country: Germany - PM: 3 (0E - 3N)
    • Dieter Kranzlmueller, BADW
  • PN.12: CSIC - Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas - Country: Spain - PM: 12 (0E - 12N)
    • Isabel Campos, CSIC
    • Jesus Marco, CSIC
  • PN.13: CSC - Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy - Country: Finland - PM: 5 (0E - 5N)
    • Michael Gindonis, CSC
    • Vera Hansper, CSC
  • PN.14: CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Country: France - PM: 14 (0E - 14N)
    • Géraldine Fettahi, CNRS
    • Vincent Breton, CNRS
    • Virginie Dutruel, CNRS
    • Mélanie Pellen, CNRS
  • PN.19: TCD - The Provost Fellows & Scholars of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin - Country: Ireland - PM: 3 (0E - 3N)
    • David O'Callaghan, TCD
    • Stuart Kenny, TCD
  • PN.20: IUCC - Israel InterUniversity Computaton Center - Country: Israel - PM: 2 (0E - 2N)
    • Nadav Grossaug, IUCC
  • PN.21: INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Country: Italy - PM: 4 (0E - 4N)
    • Riccardo Brunetti, INFN
  • PN.22: VU - Vilniaus Universitetas - Country: Lithuania - PM: 5 (0E - 5N)
    • Algimantas Juozapavicius
  • PN.26: FOM - Stichting Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie - Country: Netherlands - PM: 5 (5E - 0N)
    • David Groep, FOM
    • Arjen Van Rijn, FOM
  • PN.27: SIGMA - UNINETT Sigma AS - Country: Norway - PM: 3 (0E - 3N)
    • Tore Mauset, Uninett
  • PN.28: CYFRONET - Cyfronet - Country: Poland - PM: 6 (0E - 6N)
    • Klemens Noga, CYFRONET
    • Mariusz Sterzel, CYFRONET
  • PN.29: LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas- Country: Portugal - PM: 4 (0E - 4N)
    • Jorge Gomes, LIP
    • Nuno Dias, LIP
  • PN.30: IPB - Institute of Physics Belgrade - Country: Serbia - PM: 4 (0E - 4N)
    • Aleksandar Belic, IPB
  • PN.31: ARNES - Academic Research Network of Slovenia - Country: Slovenia - PM: 1 (0E - 1N)
    • Avgust Jauk
    • Barbara Krasovec
  • PN.31: JSI - Jožef Stefan Institute - Country: Slovenia - PM: 2 (0E - 2N)
    • Jan Jona Javorsek
  • PN.32: UI SAV - Ustav Informatiky, Slovenska Akademia Vied - Country: Slovakia - PM: 4 (0E - 4N)
    • Ladislav Hluchy, UI SAV
  • PN.33: TUBITAK ULAKBIM - Tubitak Ulusal Akademik AG Ve Bilgi Merkezi - Country: Turkey - PM: 4 (0E - 4N)
    • Burku Ortakaya, TUBITAK ULAKBIM
  • PN.34: STFC - Science and Technology Facilities Council - Country: United Kingdom - PM: 23 (19E - 4N)
    • David Kelsey, STFC
    • Claire Devereux
  • PN.36: UCPH - University of Copenhagen - Country: Denmark - PM: 7 (0E - 7N)
  • PN.38:
    • VR-SNIC - Country: Sweden - PM: 2 (0E - 2N)
      • Sverker Holmgren
    • KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan - Country: Sweden - PM: 2 (0E - 2N)
      • Michael Hammill
  • PN.40: E-ARENA - National Association of Research and Educational E-Infrastructures "E-Arena" Autonomous non-commercial organization - Country: Russian Federation - PM: 6 (0E - 6N)
    • V.Korenkov (E-Arena) – 2 PM
    • M.Biktimirov (E-Erena) - 4 PM
  • PN.42: ASGC - Academia SINICA - Country: Taiwan - PM: 22 (0E - 22N)
  • PN.43: ASTI - Advanced Science and Technology Institute - Country: Philippines - PM: 4 (0E - 4N)
  • PN.44: ITB - Institut Teknologi Bandung BHMN - Country: Indonesia - PM: 1 (0E - 1N)
  • PN.48: NUS - National University of Singapore - Country: Singapore- PM: 4 (0E - 4N)


Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M5

Report describing how the other DCI projects will interact with each other and the expected relationships between the projects.

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M5

An overview of the relevant standards activity taking place in the EGI environment, both internally within the operational tools and described in the UMD roadmap through its external software providers

  • D2.6 Integration of Clouds and Virtualisation into the European production infrastructure

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M8

Provide a roadmap as to how clouds and virtualisation technology could be integrated into the EGI exploring not only the technology issues, but also the total costs of ownership of delivering such resources

  • D2.7 EGI Sustainability Plan

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M10

A public report, derived through the EGI community describing EGI’s current plans to achieve sustainability. It is expected that these plans will evolve during the course of the project reflecting the additional information gathered on the operational costs and potential business models. The first report will be used to define the context for the accounting work taking place in WP7

  • D2.8 Annual Report on EGI and its External Relations activity (joint with NA2)

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 18PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M11

Covers the work of the dissemination teams, the policy development teams (the groups within EGI that they support - TCB, OMB, UCB, SPG, SSG, SCG, USAG, OTAG -and the projects and groups outside of it that EGI-InSPIRE collaborates with - OGF, IPG, EEG, IGTF, E-IRG, ERF) and of the major events organised by the event teams in and the NGIs

  • D2.11 transition plan to ERIC

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 12PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M17

This public report will provide an assessment of how the ERIC structure could be applied to EGI and the timeline that EGI should follow for its adoption

  • D2.12 Standards Roadmap

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M17

An updated overview of the relevant standards activity taking place in the EGI environment

  • D2.13 EGI Sustainability Plan

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M22

An updated public report, derived through the EGI community describing EGI’s current plans to achieve sustainability. It is expected that these plans will evolve during the course of the project reflecting the additional information gathered on the operational costs and potential business models

  • D2.14 Annual Report on EGI and its External Relations activity (joint with NA2)

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 18PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M23

Covers the work of the dissemination teams, the policy development teams (the groups within EGI that they support - TCB, OMB, UCB, SPG, SSG, SCG, USAG, OTAG -and the projects and groups outside of it that EGI-InSPIRE collaborates with - OGF, IPG, EEG, IGTF, E-IRG, ERF) and of the major events organised by the event teams in and the NGIs

  • D2.18 Evolving the EGI Business Model

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 12PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M29

Evolving the EGI Business Model: Currently, the EGI membership fee is used to sustain the coordinating body. This public report will provide an analysis as to how the EGI Business Model will be evolved towards sustainability given the preliminary accounting data from these new resources types

  • D2.19 Standards Roadmap

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M29

An updated overview of the relevant standards activity taking place in the EGI environment

  • D2.20 EGI Sustainability Plan

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M34

A public report, derived through the EGI community describing EGI’s current plans to achieve sustainability. It is expected that these plans will evolve during the course of the project reflecting the additional information gathered on the operational costs and potential business models

  • D2.21 Annual Report on EGI and its External Relations activity (joint with NA2)

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 18PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M35

Covers the work of the dissemination teams, the policy development teams (the groups within EGI that they support - TCB, OMB, UCB, SPG, SSG, SCG, USAG, OTAG -and the projects and groups outside of it that EGI-InSPIRE collaborates with - OGF, IPG, EEG, IGTF, E-IRG, ERF) and of the major events organised by the event teams in and the NGIs

  • D2.24 Standards Roadmap

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 6PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M41

An updated overview of the relevant standards activity taking place in the EGI environment

  • D2.25 EGI Sustainability Plan

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 18PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M47

A public report, derived through the EGI community describing EGI’s current plans to achieve sustainability. It is expected that these plans will evolve during the course of the project reflecting the additional information gathered on the operational costs and potential business models

  • D2.26 Annual Report on EGI and its External Relations activity (joint with NA2)

Lead Beneficiary: - Effort: 18PM - Nature: R - Dissemination Level: PU - Due: M47

Covers the work of the dissemination teams, the policy development teams (the groups within EGI that they support - TCB, OMB, UCB, SPG, SSG, SCG, USAG, OTAG -and the projects and groups outside of it that EGI-InSPIRE collaborates with - OGF, IPG, EEG, IGTF, E-IRG, ERF) and of the major events organised by the event teams in and the NGIs


Lead Beneficiary: Due: M3

Identifying the management and policy groups within EGI and external to it that EGI interacts with. Record the purpose of each group, who in EGI is involved in it and the designated contact points

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M3

Report detailing the composition and ters of reference of the internal groups relating to Technology, Operations, User Community and Policy Organisational

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M4

Comprehensive review of website and update of content where required. This will be in addition to the incremental updates that take place normally

Lead Beneficiary: NCF Due: M4

The EGI Consortium is recognised as a member of EUGridPMA (and through it become part of IGTF)

Lead Beneficiary: STFC Due: M5

Document describing the processes used by the SPG within EGI to agree on security policies with its stakeholders

Lead Beneficiary: CNRS Due: M8

Report analysing the opportunities provided by ERIC to EGI

  • MS214 Security Activity within EGI

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M10

Report detailing the non-operational security activity within EGI includig SCG, SSG, EUGridPMA and IGTF

  • MS219 Establishing the external relations area of the website covering the policy bodies and collaborating

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M15

Identifying the management ad policy groups within EGI and external to it that EGI interacts wth. Record the purpose of each group, who in EGI is involved in it and the designated contact points

  • MS220 Review of website content (joint with NA2)

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M16

Comprehensive review of website and update of content where required. This will be in addition to the incremental updates that take place normally

  • MS224 Security Activity within EGI

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M22

Report detailing the non-operational security activity within EGI includig SCG, SSG, EUGridPMA and IGTF

  • MS227 Terms of reference and initial composition of the policy related groups within

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M24

Report detailing the composition and ters of reference of the internal groups relating to Technology, Operations, User Community and Policy Organisational

  • MS230 Establishing the external relations area of the website covering the policy bodies and collaborating

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M27

Identifying the management ad policy groups within EGI and external to it that EGI interacts wth. Record the purpose of each group, who in EGI is involved in it and the designated contact points

  • MS231 Review of website content (joint with NA2)

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M28

Comprehensive review of website and update of content where required. This will be in addition to the incremental updates that take place normally

  • MS235 Security Activity within EGI

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M34

Report detailing the non-operational security activity within EGI includig SCG, SSG, EUGridPMA and IGTF

  • MS240 Establishing the external relations area of the website covering the policy bodies and collaborating

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M39

Identifying the management ad policy groups within EGI and external to it that EGI interacts wth. Record the purpose of each group, who in EGI is involved in it and the designated contact points

  • MS241 Security Policies within EGI

Lead Beneficiary: STFC Due: M39

Document describing the processes used by the SPG within EGI to agree on security policies with its stakeholders

  • MS242 Review of website content (joint with NA2)

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M40

Comprehensive review of website and update of content where required. This will be in addition to the incremental updates that take place normally

  • MS246 Security Activity within EGI

Lead Beneficiary: Due: M46

Report detailing the non-operational security activity within EGI includig SCG, SSG, EUGridPMA and IGTF



  • Technology Coordination Board (TCB) - wiki - ToR -

for defining the policies relating to software acceptance criteria, prioritisation of middleware requirements, and the UMD Roadmap

  • Operations Management Board (OMB) - wiki - ToR

for the policies needed to provide a reliable transparent infrastructure composed of multiple national infrastructure providers

  • User Community Board (UCB) - wiki - ToR

provides a forum for end-users in structured user communities to shape the infrastructure for their needs - defining the policies relating to their use of the infrastructure and by identifying and prioritising the requirements and issues relating to their use of EGI‘s production infrastructure.

  • Security Policy Group (SPG) - wiki - ToR

to provide policies that define the expected behaviour of sites and users to ensure a secure distributed computing infrastructure

  • Security Coordination Group (SCG) - wiki - ToR

brings together the operational, technical and policy security groups into monthly coordination meetings

  • User Services Advisory Group (USAG) - wiki - ToR

has representatives from the user communities to feedback to the on the user facing operations tools and support processes

  • Operational Tools Advisory Group (OTAG) - wiki - ToR

has representatives from the NGI/EIRO Operations Centres and provides feedback on the operational tools and how they need to be adapted in response to EGI‘s requirements

  • Operations Automation Team (OAT) - wiki - ToR
  • Software Vulnerabilities Group (SVG) - wiki - ToR

has to eliminate existing vulnerabilities from the deployed infrastructure, primarily from the grid middleware, prevent the introduction of new ones and prevent security incidents.

  • Software Security Group (SSG) (not started, duties undertaken by SCG)

has representatives from the software providers contributing software to EGI in order to ensure a common coherent approach is taken to the security frameworks

  • Organisational Task Force (OTF) (not started, duties undertaken by EGI-InSPIRE PMB)

will continue to review and propose improvements in the structure (e.g. ERIC), governance and business models (e.g. inclusion of service charging) relating to


  • Open Grid Forum (OGF)

is the standards development organisation (SDO) that is the focus of much of the standardisation activity within the EGI community, and the high-level coordination and reporting of activity in this body is required.

  • Infrastructure Policy Group (IPG)

has meetings currently co-located with the OGF and provides a forum for the providers of production e-Infrastructure to align their activities with a goal of eliminating operational differences between different infrastructures

  • European e-Infrastructures Forum (EEF)

provides a framework for the current and future providers of European e-Infrastructures to meet. Currently, this meeting has representatives from EGI, DEISA, PRACE, GEANT and TERENA.

  • International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF) and EUGridPMA

provide processes around common authentication trust domains which are required to persistently identify all EGI participants

  • E-IRG: The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG)

was founded to define and recommend best practices for the pan-European electronic infrastructure efforts. It consists of official government delegates from all the EU countries. The e-IRG produces whitepapers, roadmaps and recommendations, and analyses the future foundations of the European Knowledge Society. EGI is recognised as one of the infrastructure efforts that will support this foundation and EGI‘s alignment and contribution to this work is essential.

  • ERF: The European association of national Research Facilities (ERF)

laboratories has been initiated to promote cooperation between individual European, national, large-scale research facilities laboratories. Amongst its objectives are to facilitate the availability of resources for large-scale research facilities by cooperation and also through the initiation of specific joint initiatives or consortia – a role that EGI will seek to play a part in.

  • ESFRI: The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures

has been established by the EU to develop the ‗scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach‘. The roadmap, first published in 2006 and recently revised, identifies 44 projects that will establish ‗research infrastructures‘ to support European science activities. Many of these projects will require the use of e-Infrastructures, such as the compute and data resources brought together within EGI- InSPIRE. EGI will work with these communities to identify how its service offering can be evolved to support their needs for a persistent sustainable European wide e-Infrastructure.