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What is a CRM

Customer Relations Management (CRM) tools are used by business entities to track their relation with the customers, share information within the company regarding clients and to create new business opportunities. CRM tools ease the process of identifying, contacting, following-up and evaluating customer needs and satisfaction. Such tools improve communication among the different actors and increase productivity and efficiency.

The CRM processes can be broken down into the following three categories:

  • Operational: Automation of certain business processes. Actions such as periodical contacts, extension of contacts to other countries, notifications, etc. can be automatised increasing efficiency and success ratio.
  • Collaborative: Emphasis on client / institutes interactions.
  • Analytical: Process that may lead to strategies or methods changes. Through the use of the CRM it will be possible to identify bottlenecks and new opportunities.

Need of a CRM for EGI

EGI-InSpire needs an optimised management of relationships between, NGIs and their potential user leads because:

  • EGI partners and their “clients” are distributed
  • Conversations with “clients” happen at different places, context and time, and EGI partners should be able to share that information
  • EGI needs to construct a portfolio of prospective clients and explore the opportunities

Ibergrid is setting up a CRM tool based on vTiger technology to support the "Community Outreach" activity of the NGIs and in a number of areas:

  • Recording identified contacts & leads to user communities; associate information with these leads based on interviews, discussions
  • Gathering intelligence about scientific communities, institutes and projects and about topics of collaboration with them
  • Monitoring activities and progress in community outreach topics
  • Helping NILs and staff locate expertise inside NGIs

The CRM system has been deployed according to the needs identified by the "Intelligence Collection & Analysis Process" and "ESFRI Contact List" Virtual Team projects in the last two months. The features and configuration of the CRM system were presented to the NILs in a webminar celebrated in February the 13th. Based on the feedback collected at this event, and after the NIL testing phase, the CRM was fine tuned and will be opened for the NGIs and This document constitutes a short guide to use the system for different use cases.

Who is the CRM for

In a short punchline, the CRM system is for and NILs. All research communities should be considered as potencial users of EGI infrastrucuture. Research activities are normally organized under the umbrella of big projects, and both and NILs members should capture information about such projects, their associated research institutes and contacts. The CRM system allows and NILs to record that information in an organized and hierarchical form, so that it can be shared by all partners. and NGI staff (NILs) will therefore be the main users of the system.

What should be recorded in the CRM

What do we want to record? – Big user communities are organized under the umbrella of projects (ESFRI, National, Others) working as frontends for the community – We want to know which projects are out there to which person to talk while approaching those projects – We want to know which research institutions are working in which project which researchers to talk

Those process are exemplified in the following three main use cases:

  • CRM Use Case Record ESFRI Data. ESFRI projects have an international structure that need to be considered for efficiently contacting and supporting them. The collection of the information (global objectives and contact points, national end points and associated contacts) and the tracking of the interaction of NGIs representatives and ESFRI contacts need to be managed at a global level.
  • CRM Use Case NILs Interaction : NILs create entries at national level and record the contacts through the EGI-CRM. Moreover, the EGI-CRM can be used to monitor which contacts have not been contacted yet and to see the discussions between other endpoint representatives and NILs in other countries.
  • CRM Use Case Interaction : The EGI CRM tool can help staff on following-up the progress of the different NILs in contacting the potential leads, as well as to identify opportunities and best practices and to widespread the information at international level among all the NILs.

How to use the CRM

The EGI CRM is based on the Open-Source tool [[ | VTiger ]]. It is easy to use and free, and can be customized. It provides features to 15 modules covering support, inventory, reports, security management, role provisioning, workflows...

The main concepts around CRM are:

  • Account: A record for a “client” endpoint (project, institution, university, …).
  • Contact: A record for a person associated under an account, used to record conversations.
  • Project: Long term work (tasks, milestones) related to a Contact or to an Account.
  • Activity: Short term work (calls, ToDos, events) related to a Contact or to an Account.
Centred view of entities in the CRM entities model

This section includes links to how to perform different basic actions using the EGI CRM. Descriptions on how to implement the Use Cases are described in the links in the previous Use Case section.

More information can be found in the CRM NILS How to guide and the FAQ.