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  • Acceptable Use PolicyA set of rules and conditions that describe the appropriate use of and access to Services or Products
  • Accessibility of InformationProperty of information being accessible and usable by an authorised party
  • Accounting RecordAn entry in an accounting database identifying the quantitative usage of Resources by Users
  • ActivitySet of actions carried out within a Process
  • ApplianceA predefined collection of software Products that are deployed together so that it appears as a single undivisible Service or application that implements one or more IT Capabilities
  • AssessmentSet of actions to evaluate the Capability level of a Process or the overall maturity level of a Management System
  • AssetAn asset is anything having value to the organisation. Assets can be tangible and intangible and are not only physical goods or hardware. They can also include, but not only, software, information, infrastructure, and people.
  • Attribute AuthorityThe technical entity operated by/for the Community to bind attributes, that may be used in authorisation decisions, to subjects
  • AuditSystematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled
  • AvailabilityAbility of a Service or service component to fulfil its intended function at a specific time or over a specific period of time

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