Main objective

The HPC federation Working Group (WG) aims to introduce a federated HPC service in the EGI infrastructure. This requires the establishment of policies and technical solutions on:

  1. Federated user access management on HPC systems, in compliance with EOSC and other relevant initiatives
  2. Availability and reliability monitoring of federated HPC sites
  3. Integrated usage accounting across HPC, cloud and HTC sites
  4. Access to distributed, federated data from HPC systems
  5. Portable container-based applications for cloud compute, HTC and HPC systems
  6. Resource brokering and allocation practices for international use cases


To support this goal, the WG builds on the existing work from EGI-ACE (HPC Integration handbook), C-SCALE and interTwin projects to carry out the following  activities: 

  • Perform technology scouting to identify available technical solutions to integrate HPC with Cloud and HTC for enabling the execution of user workloads on top of heterogeneous resources;
  • Liaise with user communities to gather requirements and representative use cases;
  • Identify gaps of the current solutions with a focus on those from the technology providers participating in the WG;
  • Discuss and plan enhancements for technical providers.
  • Define and establish an HPC service in the EGI Service Portfolio for Research

HPC WG Composition

EGI is engaging different types of stakeholders to accomplish the objectives of this WG:

  • Infrastructure providers with HPC capabilities: to pilot, deploy and validate the solutions from the WG, and to serve the core providers in the future EGI HPC service
  • User communities: to present representative use cases and related requirements; to test and validate solutions;
  • Technical providers: to supply technological bulding blocks;

Duration and outcome

The WG has a duration of one year, starting from June 2024 and its main activity is to produce a blueprint for the definition of a new EGI HPC service supported by the Federation members.


Kick-off meeting 

Documents and resources



Mandate and Terms of References

All Documents

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EGI Foundation

WG Chair
Technology Coord. Board Chair
Contact to 

Infrastructure providers

CESGA  (Spain)Carlos Fernández
IICT-BAS  (Bulgaria)Emanouil Atanassov 
LIP/INCD (Portugal)Jorge Gomes
TUBITAK (Turkey)Hakan Bayındır
University of Vilnius (Lithuania)Mindaugas Mačernis
IJS (Slovenia)Teo Prica
TUWien (Austria)Markus Stöhr

User communities

Climate research

ENES (CMCC, Italy)
High  Energy  Physics  simulations  for  the  High  Luminosity  run of  the  Large  Hadron ColliderCERN
Cross platform fusion workflowsUK Atomic Energy Authority
Photon and neutron scienceELI-NP Research Infrastructure (IFIN-HH, Romania)

Representatives for technology providers

INFN (Italy)InterLinkDaniele Spiga

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