Group nameServices and Solutions Board
Group acronymSSB
Document statusFINAL
Contact person
Approved byEGI Executive Board
Approved date


Approved versionV. 26

Table of Contents

1. Title

The name of the group is Services and Solutions Board (“SSB”, hereafter also referred to as “the Group”).

2. Definitions

This table provides the key terms used throughout this document for reader orientation. For a complete list of all terms, the EGI Glossary is to be referenced .

Way to provide value to customers through bringing about results that they want to achieve

Service component
Logical part of a service that provides a function enabling or enhancing a service

Service catalogue
Customer-facing list of all live services offered along with relevant information about these services

Service portfolio
Internal list that details all the services offered by a service provider, including those in preparation, live and discontinued

A combination of products, services, and intellectual property focused on solving a problem (opportunity) that creates and/or drives value (measurable) and can be significantly standardised. The solutions components can be from either the provider and one or more partners, and the solutions implementer can be the provider, the partner, the customer itself, or a combination of the three. 

Service owner
An individual with the overall responsibility of a given service

Process owner
An individual with the overall responsibility on the governance of a process part of the EGI IMS

Process manager
An individual with the overall responsibility on the operations of a process part of the EGI IMS

3. Purpose and Responsibilities

The SSB is responsible for managing the portfolio of services and solutions managed by the EGI Foundation. This includes all services and solutions that are planned, active or to be retired. To support this goal, the SSB will carry out the following activities:

  • Advise the EGI management on the priorities for evolving the services and solutions portfolio
  • Conduct regularly scheduled management reviews of both services and solutions portfolios
  • Maintain a service strategy and implement the recommendations from the EGI Council
  • Interface with the UCB concerning the services and solutions for the research communities
  • Interface with the TCB concerning the evolution of technology and how this can affect services and solutions
  • Interface with the OMB concerning the services and solutions for resource providers
  • Steer the creation, review and approval of service/solution design packages including descriptions and specifications alongside any information to be added to the service portfolio
  • Plan the design and transition of new or changed services considering timescales, responsibilities, new or changed technology and communication
  • Ensure that major changes to services and solutions are endorsed by the process managers/owners

The SSB will comply with the EGI Service Management Policy and with the processes defined in the EGI Integrated Management System.

4. Authority

  • The Group is governed by the EGI Council through the Executive Board to investigate any activity within its Terms of Reference.
  • The Group will comply with the Policy Development Process.

5. Composition

5.1 Membership

The membership of the Group consists of:

  • Two SSB Co-Chairs
  • EGI Foundation Executive Team
  • EGI Foundation Innovation Manager
  • EGI IMS Owner and Manager
  • EGI IMS Process Owners and Process Managers
  • Appointed representative from the UCB, TCB and OMB (one per board)
  • Chair of the Working Groups initiated by the Group

The Group is open to invitees as specific subject matter dictates (e.g. Service Owners), which is to be agreed by the Group prior to confirming participation.

5.1.1. General membership

Group Membership is recorded in a dedicated SSB wiki and will automatically come with a subscription to the SSB mailing list. Other people in the role of “observer” can be subscribed to the SSB mailing list for practical purposes, but that does not imply any SSB membership. The SSB Co-Chairs will advise the SSB of any new subscription requests and will consult with the SSB members before approving or rejecting them to limit any conflicts of interest regarding the planning and decision-making process.

5.2 Chair

Two Co-Chairs are appointed and renewed by the Director. Both Co-Chairs can also assume different roles in the SSB.

5.2.1 Duties

The Co-Chairs will be responsible for calling and running regular meetings and polling the membership for agenda items. Meetings will be held at a minimum once every two months, and once per year the meeting will comprise a longer ‘Service and solution review’. Regular agenda items will include, but not limited to:

  • Oversight of the EGI service strategy development and execution
  • Reviewing and prioritising major changes to services brought to the attention of the Group
  • Ensuring updates to the EGI Service and Solution Portfolios
  • Reports from the Working Groups coordinators

Materials for the agenda points will indicate if the item is informational or is designed to lead to decision.

5.2.2 Term of Office

The term of office is unlimited.

6 Operating Procedures

6.1 Communications and Meetings

  • The topics and issues to be addressed can be specified either by EGI Management or by the SSB itself
  • Any stakeholder of EGI also has the right to suggest services and/or solutions, which in their opinion need revision, addition or removal. These requests are collected by the SPM process and prepared with the support of the related service owners (if defined). The decision whether to accept this request or not will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and feedback will be provided to the original requestor.
  • All members of the Group must subscribe to the mailing list and should use it as primary written communication channel (see Section 6.2)
  • The SSB will meet at least six times per year via conference call services provided by The agenda, together with reports and documents that relate to the meeting, should be forwarded to members at least 1 week in advance of the meeting.
  • The Group deliberations happen by face-to-face meetings, phone/video conferences or via the Group mailing list  
  • Accurate minutes will be kept of the major discussion points and the decisions reached at each meeting of the SSB. Meeting minutes shall be distributed to the group within one week. Minute taking will be managed using a rota system
  • The Co-Chairs should make sure that all updates concerning the group’s meetings, agenda and minutes are posted on group’s Wiki page (see Section 6.2)
  • Actions emerging from meetings or from transitions of services are recorded in the dedicated ticketing system for easy tracking. Management actions are tracked in the IMSSSB Jira project, while specific changes to services are tracked in the EGIREQ Jira project.

6.2 Decision making 

  • Wherever possible, the Group will arrive at proposed draft recommendation documents and/or advice by clear consensus, as determined by the Co-Chairs
  • A voting process is not foreseen for the SSB

6.3 Communication Channels

Communication ChannelReference
The Group mailing list

Public page  
Internal wiki space
Meetings and minutes     
Management actions
Changes to services

 6.4 Appointment of the Working Groups

The SSB can create Working Groups to better support the activities in scope of the group. Examples of working groups are:
•    Service Lifecycle: ensuring that documentation for planned changes is properly developed and reviewed before being presented to the Group
•    Service Strategy: identify and develop new strategic directions supported by policy briefs

6.4.1 Working Group composition

  • Depending on the identified topic, the Group will propose the best composition of the WG.
  • People external to the Group can be invited to be part of the WGs.
  • At least one SSB member should be present in the role of rapporteur.
  • Members are appointed by the TCB on the proposal of the WG coordinator.

6.4.2 Procedure to create a Working Group

  • All the members of the Group can suggest the creation of a new Working Group.
  • The proposal to setup a new WG will be discussed during the next SSB meeting for approval. 
  • Each proposal to setup a new WG must be accompanied by a written mandate that includes purpose, responsibilities, expected outcomes and the duration of the mandate.
  • The WG coordinator is appointed by the Group.
  • The WG coordinator proposes to the SSB the initial WG members for discussion and decision.
  • The WG shall periodically report to the SSB, at least 2 times per year, and upon request by any member of the Group.

7 Evaluation

The SSB will produce an annual report to the Governing Body, in line with best practice that will be defined, which sets out how the Group has met its Terms of Reference during the preceding year. The minutes of the Group will be formally recorded and available to the Governing Body.

8 Amendment

8.1 Entry in Force, Review, Approval

These Terms of Reference can be amended by mutual agreement of the Group Members through consultation and consensus. The amendments must be approved by the Director and Executive Board. The Group will review its Terms of Reference on an annual basis as a minimum. The present Terms of Reference enters into force with the approval of the governing body.

8.2 Amendment log

This section provides background material and further non-binding details about changes made to the document. It is intended to provide the reader with additional information to better understand the history of the document.


last version approved before moving to Confluence


  • Updated the composition of the SSB to reflect the new roles in the EGI Foundation organogram
  • Changed from Chair + Deputy to two Co-Chairs
  • Added the capability to create working groups (the first one to be created is the Service Lifecycle WG)
  • Updated references
  • Moved to Confluence

  • In 6.1:

  • No labels