General information

GEANT TCS certificate service interruption



Migration to EL9

Following PROC16 Decommissioning of unsupported software

Broadcast circulated in June.

Requested to enable the metric to detect CentOS7 endpoints:

The NGIs can open tickets against sites to track the migration


Accounting Repository

Pub/Sync system taken offline for a security issue. Accounting Repository operation unaffected, but Repository test is provided via the pub/sync hosts.

We receive weekly reports by email about the publication of the accounting records.


  • Waiting for the new version of the HTCondorCE probe
    • for the moment the endpoints are tested with the host certificate validity metric
  • Several sites with HTCondorCE are failing the tests:
    • They still have HTCondor 9 (on CentOS 7) which doesn't work correctly with the new HTCondor client (v23) on EL9
    • Those sites are requested to upgrade to HTCondor 23.0.x as soon as possible
  • Monitoring issue with ARC-CE 6.20.1 version


Feedback from DMSU

New Known Error Database (KEDB)

The KEDB has been moved to Jira+Confluence:

  • problems are tracked with Jira tickets to better follow-up their evolution
  • problems can be registered by DMSU staff and EGI Operations team

Monthly Availability/Reliability

Under-performed sites in the past A/R reports with issues not yet fixed:

Under-performed sites after 3 consecutive months, under-performed NGIs, QoS violations: (January 2024):

sites suspended: 

Publishing the services in the BDII

All the sites are asked to publish their computing and storage endpoints in the BDII in order to:

  • allow the collection of the information of the compute and storage capacity of the Infrastructure
  • allow the verification of the middleware version installed across the Infrastructure (for upgrade campaigns and security reasons mainly)

Configuring the Site-BDII and the infoprovider on the several endpoints

New benchmark HEPscore23

The benchmark HEPscore23 is replacing the old Hep-SPEC06

Recent activities:

  • APEL client 2.1.0 released and included in UMD 5
  • Testing ongoing, with data sent from some sites to the accounting repository and published into the staging accounting portal
  • In December the Accounting Repository was upgraded to the new version supporting the new benchmark.
  • APEL server for HEPSCORE functionality is planned to be deployed by the end of February.
  • Accounting Portal: new features to filter the accounting records under test in the staging instance.

HEPSCORE application:

WLCG Operations Coordination meeting (Oct 2024)

New helpdesk


Next meeting


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