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(Created page with '#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use lib '/usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib'; use lib '/root/ws/'; use SOAP::Transport::HTTP; use MIME::Entity; use MIME::Base64; use IO::Scalar; …')
Line 1: Line 1:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

Latest revision as of 13:23, 20 December 2012

  1. !/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict; use lib '/usr/share/request-tracker3.6/lib'; use lib '/root/ws/';

use SOAP::Transport::HTTP; use MIME::Entity; use MIME::Base64; use IO::Scalar; use File::MimeInfo::Magic; use RT; use RT::User; use RT::CurrentUser; use RT::Ticket; use GGUS::Transaction; use GGUS::Transactions;


   -> dispatch_to('TicketWS')
   -> handle;

package TicketWS;

  1. Create a new ticket
  2. Parameters:
  3. Necessary:
  4. ggus_id: int, id in ggus database
  5. requestor: string, email address of requestor
  6. subject: string
  7. content: string
  8. priority: string, as defined in ggus wsdl
  9. affected_site: string, site that affects the ticket

sub create_ticket {

   my $self = shift;
   my $num_args = 6;
   unless (@_ == $num_args) {
                        level => 'err',
                        message => "Not enough arguments."
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ggus_id = shift;
   my $requestor = shift;
   $requestor =~ s/ //g;
   my $subject = shift;
   my $content = shift;
   my $priority = shift;
   $priority = convert_priority($priority);
   my $affected_site = shift;
   # queue name
   my $queue = get_queue($affected_site);
   unless (is_int($ggus_id)) {
       $RT::Logger->log(level=>'alert', message => "Requested ticket from ggus $ggus_id");
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   $RT::Logger->log(level => 'info', message => "ggus $ggus_id added by $requestor.");
   $RT::Logger->log(level => 'crit', message => "affected site: $affected_site");
   # build MIME encoded content
   my $MIMEContent = MIME::Entity->build(
                                         Data => [ $content ]
   my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($RT::SystemUser);
   my %ticket_args = (
       "Queue" => $queue,
       "Requestor" => [$requestor,],
       "Subject" => $subject,
       "Priority" => $priority,
       "MIMEObj" => $MIMEContent,
   my @res = $ticket->Create(%ticket_args);
   if ($res[0] == 0) {
       # error creating ticket
       $RT::Logger->log(level => 'err', message => $res[2]);
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   $RT::Logger->log(level => 'debug', message => $res[2]);
   # Add ggus id to ggus_rt table
   my $rt_handle = $RT::Handle->new($RT::SystemUser);
   $rt_handle->Insert('ggus_rt', ('ggus_id', $ggus_id, 'rt_id', $res[0]));
   # get user from requestor's address
   my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
                    level => 'info',
                    message => "user: $requestor",
   # set Creator and Created fields
   ticket_set_creat($res[0], $user->id);
   # set corresponding transaction's creater and created
   my $trans_id = $res[1];
   trans_set_creat($trans_id, $user->id);
   return ($res[0], "ngigrnet");


  1. Edit an existing ticket.
  2. Parameters:
  3. Necessary:
  4. ggus_id: int, from ggus
  5. requestor: email address
  6. content: string
  7. status: string
  8. priority: string

sub edit_ticket {

   my $self = shift;
   my $num_args = 5;
   unless (@_ == $num_args) {
                        level => 'err',
                        message => 'Not enough arguments.'
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ggus_id = shift;
   my $requestor = shift;
   $requestor =~ s/ //g;
   my $content = shift;
   my $status = shift;
   my $priority = shift;
   unless (is_int($ggus_id)) {
       $RT::Logger->log(level=>'alert', message => "Requested ticket from ggus $ggus_id");
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
  1. get user from requestor's address
   my $user = RT::User->new($RT::SystemUser);
                    level => 'crit',
                    message => "user: $requestor",
  1. get rt_id for this ggus_id
   my $rt_handle = $RT::Handle->new($RT::SystemUser);
   my $query = 'SELECT rt_id FROM ggus_rt WHERE ggus_id=?';
   my @res = $rt_handle->FetchResult($query, ($ggus_id, ));
   unless (@res) {
                        level => 'err', 
                        message => "No rt ticket for ggus $ggus_id"
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ticket_id = $res[0];
                    level => 'crit', 
                    message => "ggus: $ticket_id for ggus $ggus_id edited."
   unless ($content eq ) {
       my %args = (
           'Content' => $content,
       my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($RT::SystemUser);
       @res = $ticket->Comment(%args);
       if ($res[0] == 0) {
           $RT::Logger->log(level => 'crit', message => $res[1]);
           return (0, "ngigrnet");
       $RT::Logger->log(level => 'crit', message => $res[1]);
       # set creator of transaction
       trans_set_creat($res[0], $user->id);
   # set status
   set_status($ggus_id, $status);
   # set priority
   set_priority($ggus_id, $status);
   # scrips have been run
   # mark transaction done
   return ($ticket_id, "ngigrnet");


  1. Add an attachemnt
  2. params:
  3. ggus_id: int from ggus
  4. atch_data: base64string the data of the attachment
  5. atch_name: string the name of the attachment

sub add_attachment {

   my $self = shift;
   my $num_args = 3;
   unless (@_ == $num_args) {
                        level => 'err',
                        message => 'Not enough arguments.'
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ggus_id = shift;
   my $atch_data = shift;
   my $atch_name = shift;
   unless (is_int($ggus_id)) {
       $RT::Logger->log(level=>'alert', message => "Requested ticket from ggus $ggus_id");
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
  1. get rt_id for this ggus_id
   my $rt_handle = $RT::Handle->new($RT::SystemUser);
   my $query = 'SELECT rt_id FROM ggus_rt WHERE ggus_id=?';
   my @res = $rt_handle->FetchResult($query, ($ggus_id, ));
   unless (@res) {
                        level => 'err', 
                        message => "No rt ticket for ggus $ggus_id"
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ticket_id = $res[0];
                    level => 'info', 
                    message => "ggus: $ticket_id for ggus $ggus_id attachment added."
   my $data = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($atch_data);
                    level => 'crit', 
                    message => "ggus: attachment $data"

   my $content = ;
  1. build MIME encoded content
   my $MIMEContent = MIME::Entity->build(
                                         Data => [ $content ]
   my $atch_type = get_mime_type($atch_data);
   add_attachment_to_mimeobj(\$MIMEContent, $atch_data, $atch_type, $atch_name);
   my %args = (
       'MIMEObj' => $MIMEContent,
  1. make transaction
   my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($RT::SystemUser);
   @res = $ticket->Comment(%args);
   if ($res[0] == 0) {
       $RT::Logger->log(level => 'err', message => $res[1]);
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   $RT::Logger->log(level => 'info', message => $res[1]);
  1. scrips have been run
  2. mark transaction done
   return ($ticket_id, "ngigrnet");


  1. Change priority
  1. params:
  2. id: int, from ggus
  3. priority: string

sub set_priority {

   my $num_args = 2;
   unless (@_ >= $num_args) {
                        level => 'err',
                        message => 'Not enough arguments.'
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ggus_id = shift;
   unless (is_int($ggus_id)) {
       $RT::Logger->log(level=>'alert', message => "Requested ticket from ggus $ggus_id");
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ticket_id = ggus_to_rt($ggus_id);
   my $priority = shift;
   $priority = convert_priority($priority);
   my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($RT::SystemUser);
   return ($ticket_id, "ngigrnet");


  1. Change status
  2. params:
  3. id: int, from ggus
  4. status: string

sub set_status {

   my $num_args = 2;
   unless (@_ >= $num_args) {
                        level => 'err',
                        message => 'Not enough arguments.'
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ggus_id = shift;
   unless (is_int($ggus_id)) {
       $RT::Logger->log(level=>'alert', message => "Requested ticket from ggus $ggus_id");
       return (0, "ngigrnet");
   my $ticket_id = ggus_to_rt($ggus_id);
   my $status = shift;
   $status = convert_status($status);
   my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($RT::SystemUser);
   return ($ticket_id, "ngigrnet");


  1. Handle attachments.
  2. Add them as part of a MIMEEntity. parameteres are passwd as references.
  3. MIMEContent: MIMEEntity, where to add the attachment
  4. atch_data: base64string, the data of the attachment
  5. atch_type: string, the MIME type of the attachment
  6. atch_filename: string, the filename of the attachment

sub add_attachment_to_mimeobj {

   unless (@_ == 4) {
       die 'Incorrect number of arguments.';
   my $MIMEContent = shift;
   my $atch_data = shift;
   my $atch_type = shift;
   my $atch_filename = shift;
   $atch_data = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($atch_data);
                         Data => [ $atch_data ],
                         Type => $atch_type,
                         Filename => $atch_filename,


  1. Check if argument(s) is(are) integers.

sub is_int {

   for (@_) {
       return 0 if (/\D/);
   return 1;


  1. Mark transaction as done

sub mark_transaction_done {

   my $id = shift;
   my $rt_handle = $RT::Handle->new($RT::SystemUser);
   my $t = GGUS::Transaction->new( $rt_handle);
   $t->LoadByCol('transaction_id', $id);
   return 0;


  1. Convert priority from ggus to rt

sub convert_priority {

   my $priority = shift;
   $RT::Logger->log(level=>'crit', message => "Requested ticket with priority $priority");
   my %priorities = (
                     'less urgent' => 0,
                     'urgent' => 50,
                     'very urgent' => 75,
                     'top priority' => 99,
   return $priorities{$priority};


  1. Convert status from ggus to rt

sub convert_status {

   my $status = shift;
   return "resolved" if ($status eq "solved");
   return "open";


  1. Set the creator and created to transaction

sub trans_set_creat {

   my $transaction = shift;
   my $user = shift;
   my $query_t = "UPDATE Transactions SET Creator=? WHERE id=?";
   my $query_a = "UPDATE Attachments SET Creator=? WHERE TransactionId=?";
   my $rt_handle = $RT::Handle->new($RT::SystemUser);
   $rt_handle->SimpleQuery($query_t, $user, $transaction);
   $rt_handle->SimpleQuery($query_a, $user, $transaction);


  1. Set the creator to transaction

sub trans_set_creator {

   my $transaction = shift;
   my $user = shift;
   my $query = "UPDATE Transactions SET Creator=? WHERE id=?";
   my $rt_handle = $RT::Handle->new($RT::SystemUser);
   $rt_handle->SimpleQuery($query, $user, $transaction);


  1. Set create fields for new tickets
  2. params:
  3. ticket: id
  4. user: id

sub ticket_set_creat {

   my $ticket = shift;
   my $user = shift;
   my $query = "UPDATE Tickets SET Creator=? WHERE id=?";
   my $rt_handle = $RT::Handle->new($RT::SystemUser);
   $rt_handle->SimpleQuery($query, $user, $ticket);


  1. Get rt id from ggus id
  2. params:
  3. ggus_id
  4. returns:
  5. ticket_id

sub ggus_to_rt {

   my $ggus_id = shift;
   my $rt_handle = $RT::Handle->new($RT::SystemUser);
   my $query = 'SELECT rt_id FROM ggus_rt WHERE ggus_id=?';
   my @res = $rt_handle->FetchResult($query, ($ggus_id, ));
   unless (@res) {
                        level => 'err', 
                        message => "No rt ticket for ggus $ggus_id"
   my $ticket_id = $res[0];
   return $ticket_id;


  1. Get the MIME type of base64 encoded data
  2. params:
  3. $data base64 encoded data

sub get_mime_type {

   my $data = shift;
   my $raw_data = MIME::Base64::decode($data);
   my $sh = new IO::Scalar \$raw_data;
   return File::MimeInfo::Magic::mimetype($sh);


sub get_queue {

   my $site = shift;
   return "GR-01-AUTH" if ($site eq "GR-01-AUTH");
   return "GR-02-UoM" if ($site eq "GR-02-UoM");
   return "GR-03-HEPNTUA" if ($site eq "GR-03-HEPNTUA");
   return "GR-04-FORTH-ICS" if ($site eq "GR-04-FORTH-ICS");
   return "GR-05-DEMOKRITOS" if ($site eq "GR-05-DEMOKRITOS");
   return "GR-06-IASA" if ($site eq "GR-06-IASA");
   return "GR-07-UOI-HEPLAB" if ($site eq "GR-07-UOI-HEPLAB");
   return "GR-08-CEID" if ($site eq "GR-08-CEID");
   return "GR-09-UoA" if ($site eq "GR-09-UoA");
   return "GR-10-UOI" if ($site eq "GR-10-UOI");
   return "HG-01-GRNET" if ($site eq "HG-01-GRNET");
   return "HG-02-IASA" if ($site eq "HG-02-IASA");
   return "HG-03-AUTH" if ($site eq "HG-03-AUTH");
   return "HG-04-CTI-CEID" if ($site eq "HG-04-CTI-CEID");
   return "HG-05-FORTH" if ($site eq "HG-05-FORTH");
   return "HG-06-EKT" if ($site eq "HG-06-EKT");
   return "NGI_GRNET";
