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Technology Glossary

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Technology Software Component Delivery Software Provisioning UMD Middleware Cloud Middleware Distribution Containers Distribution Technology Glossary

This glossary presents terms that are used in describing the processes of provisioning and supporting software for EGIs production infrastructure.

Term Description
(UMD) Capability A Capability is scoped around well known and well-defined activities that are sufficiently disparate, independent, and fulfil a discrete task in a higher-level orchestrated sequence of actions taken by the user (manually or automated) in order to reach the aspired goal. Capabilities may depend on the presence of another Capability. Appliances, however, SHOULD NOT depend on each other to avoid technical dependencies and vendor lock-in.
Appliance An Appliance is the technical implementation of a Capability. An Appliance may be delivered in a single, monolithic Package, or it may be delivered as a set of components that are grouped into a set of Packages. In the latter case all packages must be installed to provide the complete Appliance.
Package A Package is a structured software unit suitable for automated installation on a computer. A Package may specify dependencies on other packages, so that either a specific version of that package, or a minimum version of that package may satisfy that dependency.
Product A Product is a solution delivered by Technology Providers to EGI and provides the functionality for one, sometimes more Capabilities as one single, undividable unit. Consequently, a Product may comprise of one or more Appliances.
Primary Package A Product consists of a well-defined set of specific packages, each in a specific version. Different versions (whether major, minor, or revision) of the same Product may share a subset of packages of the same version, that do not change between the compared versions.
Secondary Package A Secondary Package is a Package that is resolved from dependency declarations within a Package, that sources either from the Technology Provider's own Repository, or from any additional repository except OS distribution repositories. (Note: EPEL is an example of such a repository that is not an OS repository.)