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New Requirement Manual

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This page describes the process of submitting requirements to EGI through the EGI RT system. Other aspects of requirement gathering and processing in EGI is described on another page.

The evolution of the European Grid Infrastructure is driven by the users. Therefore capturing feedback, requirements and recommendations from various EGI communities is a key goal for the EGI-InSPIRE project and for the EGI collaboration as a whole. The EGI-InSPIRE project has setup and operates a Request Tracker system (RT) to collect requirements from EGI stakeholders and to track the evolution and resolution of these needs. The page aims to be a manual for the user communities, operational teams and other beneficiaries of EGI.

1) New requirements can be submitted by anybody who has an account in the EGI Single Sign On (SSO) System. Register for an EGI SSO account if you do not have one yet.

2) Login with your SSO account into the RT system. You can also go to one of the RT dashboards, for example to the dashboard for NGIs

Note: if you still cannot access the requirements queue, please send an e-mail to including your SSO username

3) Go to requirement submission form by choosing the "requirements" queue in the top right drop-down listbox and then clicking the "New ticket in" button next to it. (Clicking the button is not mandatory in some browsers.)

Note: make sure that the queue called "Requirements" is chosen!


4) Specify the details of your requirement in the form

Note: make sure that at least the following fields are filled: Subject, Category (level 1), Requestor (level 1) and Describe the issue below

  • Provide a succinct, still specific title as Subject of the requirements
  • Choose from the "Category (level 1)" and "Category (level 2)" lists to classify the type of requirement. In the Category 1 list
    • "Support Service" covers user-facing tools such as the applications database, training event registry, Web sites, etc.
    • "Support action" covers human services provided for user communities, for example training, consultancy, etc.
    • "Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD)" covers middleware services, such as componenst and tools of the ARC, gLite, UNICORE middleware
    • "Operational tools" cover software services provided for operators of EGI components
    • "User tools and applications" cover software tools and applications that sit on top of the middleware and provide generic or domain specific functionality for scientific communities
    • "Non-functional" covers requirements that cross-cut multiple domains thus cannot be linked to a single category
  • In the Requestor (level 1) and Requestor (level 2) lists specify the community on behalf you submit the requirement
  • Try to be informative with the description of the requirements in the Describe the issue below field. Cover the motivations and reasons for the requirement.


5) Scroll down and click "Create" to submit the requirement
