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NGI DE CH Operations Center:Monitoring

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NGI-DE NGI-CH Monitoring



Dimitri Nilsen (KIT) Foued Jrad (KIT) Alessandro Usai (SWITCH) Andres Aeschlimann (SWITCH)

Plan for ARC Testing set up in Nagios


  1. Customize the file /etc/grid-monitoring/org.ndgf.conf with the NGI services.
  2. NorduGrid Logging Improvement:
    1. Edit the xrls templates files for all the services and add (gmlog = "gmlog") to them i.e.
more /usr/share/grid-monitoring/org.ndgf/lfc/xrsl

(executable = "")
(jobname = "lfc")
(stdout = "testjob.out")
(gmlog = "gmlog")
(stderr = "testjob.err")
(inputfiles = ("" "/usr/share/grid-monitoring/org.ndgf/lfc/")
              ("file" "%LFC_TESTFILE%"))
(outputfiles = ("testjob.out" "")("testjob.err" "")
               ("outfile" "%LFC_STORAGE_W%/%HOST%-lfc-%TIME%"))
(walltime = "15 min")
(memory = "256")</nowiki>

This will ensure that in case of error the gmlog (useful for debugging) is sent back as part of the outputsandbox. Files in /usr/share/grid-monitoring/org.ndgf : gridftp/xrsl, jobsubmit/xrsl, lfc/xrsl, rls/xrsl, srm/xrsl

  1. Data management requirements for NorduGrid: the testfile used for the LFC/SRM/GridFTP tests must be created/managed manually.