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== Outcome ==
== Outcome ==
<pre style="color: blue"> TO REVIEW </pre>
The risk 5 (Unavailability of key technical and support staff) is rated 6 and needs to be reduced: it was agreed with the service provider to increase the staff number in the coming months for maintaining the service. An update will be provided at the next review of this plan.
The risk 5 (Unavailability of key technical and support staff) is rated 6 and needs to be reduced: it was agreed with the service provider to increase the staff number in the coming months for maintaining the service. An update will be provided at the next review of this plan.

Revision as of 16:32, 24 August 2020

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Back to main page: Services Availability Continuity Plans


This page reports on the Availability and Continuity Plan for EGI Notebooks and it is the result of the risks assessment conducted for this service: a series of risks and treats has been identified and analysed, along with the correspondent countermeasures currently in place. Whenever a countermeasure is not considered satisfactory for either avoiding or reducing the likelihood of the occurrence of a risk, or its impact, it is agreed with the service provider a new treatment for improving the availability and continuity of the service. The process is concluded with an availability and continuity test.

Last Next
Risks assessment 2019-05-28 2020-05-28
Av/Co plan and test 2019-05-28 2020-05-28

Previous plans are collected here:


In the OLA it was agreed the following performances targets, on a monthly basis:

  • Availability: 90%
  • Reliability 90%
Other ava requirements:
* the service is accessible through X509 certificate and/or other authentication system 
* The service is accessible via CLI and/or webUI 

The service availability is regularly tested by nagios probes (, eu.egi.Notebooks-Status): and

The performances reports in terms of Availability and Reliability are produced by ARGO on an almost real time basis and they are also periodically collected into the Documentation Database.

So far Notebooks didn't have any particular Av/Co issues highlighted by the performances that need to be further investigated.

Risks assessment and management

For more details, please look at the google spreadsheet. We will report here a summary of the assessment.

Risks analysis

Risk id Risk description Affected components Established measures Risk level Expected duration of downtime / time for recovery Comment
1 Service unavailable / loss of data due to hardware failure All the service components Service configuration and deployment on Kubernetes and managed as code in git repositories.

(Daily) Backup of user storage

Medium up to 1 day the measures already in place are considered satisfactory and risk level is acceptable
2 Service unavailable / loss of data due to software failure All the service components Service configuration and deployment on Kubernetes and managed as code in git repositories.

(Daily) Backup of user storage

Low up to 1 day the measures already in place are considered satisfactory and risk level is acceptable
3 service unavailable / loss of data due to human error All the service components Service configuration and deployment on Kubernetes and managed as code in git repositories.

(Daily) Backup of user storage

Medium up to 1 day the measures already in place are considered satisfactory and risk level is acceptable
4 service unavailable for network failure (Network outage with causes external of the site) All the service components Service configuration and deployment on Kubernetes and managed as code in git repositories.

(Daily) Backup of user storage

Low up to 1 day the measures already in place are considered satisfactory and risk level is acceptable
5 Unavailability of key technical and support staff (holidays period, sickness, ...) All the service components None High 1 or more working days Documentation and training needed to increase the staff capable of managing the service.
6 Major disruption in the data centre. Fire, flood or electric failure for example All the service components Service configuration and deployment on Kubernetes and managed as code in git repositories.

(Daily) Backup of user storage

Low up to 1 working day the measures already in place are considered satisfactory and risk level is acceptable
7 Major security incident. The system is compromised by external attackers and needs to be reinstalled and restored. All the service components Service configuration and deployment on Kubernetes and managed as code in git repositories.

(Daily) Backup of user storage

Low up to 1 working day the measures already in place are considered satisfactory and risk level is acceptable
8 (D)DOS attack. The service is unavailable because of a coordinated DDOS. All the service components Service configuration and deployment on Kubernetes and managed as code in git repositories.

(Daily) Backup of user storage

Low up to 1 working day the measures already in place are considered satisfactory and risk level is acceptable



The risk 5 (Unavailability of key technical and support staff) is rated 6 and needs to be reduced: it was agreed with the service provider to increase the staff number in the coming months for maintaining the service. An update will be provided at the next review of this plan.

Availability and Continuity test

Test details

The proposed A/C test checks if the recovery from a disruption can be performed by installing from scratch all the service. The last user data will be backed up and time spent will be measured. Performing this test will be useful to spot any issue in the recovery procedures of the service.

Test steps:

  1. Deploy kubernetes on a set of Virtual Machines, get one public IP for the ingress node and record that public IP
  2. Register a new domain name "" in pointing to the public IP of the k8s ingress
  3. Register a new client in dev instance of EGI Check-in
  4. Deploy the notebooks on the kubernetes cluster configuring the Check-in clients credentials obtained in the previous step and using "" as host name for the ingress.
  5. Clone the EGI-Notebooks-backup repo
  6. Create the secrets as detailed in the repo
  7. Create the rbac roles and launch the recovery the job
  8. Login with the user of the original and check that files are actually recovered

Test outcome

The test was successfully executed. The recovery of user storage took 10 minutes:

     Started:      Thu, 06 Jun 2019 16:37:15 +0200
     Finished:     Thu, 06 Jun 2019 16:47:18 +0200

and the files are available for the users as expected.

Detailed log of test

Installation of the Jupyterhub instance:

$ helm install -f hub.yaml --namespace catchall --version=0.8.2 --name hub jupyterhub/jupyterhub
NAME:   hub
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jun  6 16:35:44 2019
NAMESPACE: catchall

==> v1/ConfigMap
hub-config  1     1s

==> v1/Deployment
hub    0/1    1           0          0s
proxy  0/1    1           0          0s

==> v1/PersistentVolumeClaim
NAME        STATUS  VOLUME                                    CAPACITY  ACCESS MODES  STORAGECLASS         AGE
hub-db-dir  Bound   pvc-61c44c5c-8868-11e9-a52c-fa163ed00f15  1Gi       RWO           managed-nfs-storage  1s

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                    READY  STATUS             RESTARTS  AGE
hub-597c78b9fb-87kn4    0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s
proxy-8474bf55cb-2xhgs  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s

==> v1/Role
hub   1s

==> v1/RoleBinding
hub   0s

==> v1/Secret
hub-secret  Opaque  3     1s

==> v1/Service
NAME          TYPE       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)                     AGE
hub           ClusterIP  <none>       8081/TCP                    0s
proxy-api     ClusterIP     <none>       8001/TCP                    0s
proxy-public  NodePort    <none>       80:30590/TCP,443:30739/TCP  0s

==> v1/ServiceAccount
hub   1        1s

==> v1/StatefulSet
NAME              READY  AGE
user-placeholder  0/0    0s

==> v1beta1/Ingress
NAME        HOSTS                               ADDRESS  PORTS  AGE
jupyterhub  80       0s

==> v1beta1/PodDisruptionBudget
hub               1              N/A              0                    1s
proxy             1              N/A              0                    1s
user-placeholder  0              N/A              0                    1s
user-scheduler    1              N/A              0                    1s

Thank you for installing JupyterHub!

Your release is named hub and installed into the namespace catchall.

You can find if the hub and proxy is ready by doing:

 kubectl --namespace=catchall get pod

and watching for both those pods to be in status 'Ready'.

You can find the public IP of the JupyterHub by doing:

 kubectl --namespace=catchall get svc proxy-public

It might take a few minutes for it to appear!

Note that this is still an alpha release! If you have questions, feel free to
  1. Read the guide at
  2. Chat with us at
  3. File issues at

Perform restore of backup:

$ kubectl apply -f job.yaml 
job.batch/notebooks-backup-recover created
$ kubectl get pod
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
notebooks-backup-recover-2fntt   1/1     Running   0          6s
$ kubectl logs notebooks-backup-recover-2fntt
+ mkdir /backup
+ restic restore latest --target /backup
created new cache in /root/.cache/restic
restoring <Snapshot 87683f08 of [/exports] at 2019-06-06 14:10:56.913319998 +0000 UTC by root@onebackup-d2n5s> to /backup
+ python /usr/local/bin/ --backup-path /backup/exports/ --namespace catchall /backup/exports/pvc
INFO:root:PVC: 00d584d784d9463b9545e726a290a512
INFO:root:Destination path: /exports/catchall-00d584d784d9463b9545e726a290a512-pvc-b9c1162b-8868-11e9-a52c-fa163ed00f15
INFO:root:Will restore storage of user dfadf63fcb2723480357cb8ff9f0570cda7d2872ca24e65bfe21f0154f238ce2 at /exports/catchall-00d584d784d9463b9545e726a290a512-pvc-b9c1162b-8868-11e9-a52c-fa163ed00f15 from /backup/exports/catchall-00d584d784d9463b9545e726a290a512-pvc-f94a7ab5-4ae1-11e9-85ab-fa163e6125a0
INFO:root:PVC: fe1c6c56e09d4ea3a4fa0328a43fa925
INFO:root:Destination path: /exports/catchall-fe1c6c56e09d4ea3a4fa0328a43fa925-pvc-f40b68a0-8869-11e9-a52c-fa163ed00f15
INFO:root:Will restore storage of user 025166931789a0f57793a6092726c2ad89387a4cc167e7c63c5d85fc91021d18 at /exports/catchall-fe1c6c56e09d4ea3a4fa0328a43fa925-pvc-f40b68a0-8869-11e9-a52c-fa163ed00f15 from /backup/exports/catchall-fe1c6c56e09d4ea3a4fa0328a43fa925-pvc-b25fddf7-ee78-11e8-8d67-fa163e6125a0
INFO:root:Restored 75 users

Pod execution information:

$ kubectl describe pod notebooks-backup-recover-2fntt
Name:               notebooks-backup-recover-2fntt
Namespace:          default
Priority:           0
PriorityClassName:  <none>
Node:               k8s-worker/
Start Time:         Thu, 06 Jun 2019 16:37:12 +0200
Labels:             controller-uid=924467c7-8868-11e9-a52c-fa163ed00f15
Annotations:        <none>
Status:             Succeeded
Controlled By:      Job/notebooks-backup-recover
    Container ID:  docker://2896f5aecc493423b536cb4a7646290cc273e412bd7c8384b3d39b7bbc1f188d
    Image:         eginotebooks/svc-backup:0.1.0-5b7cab0
    Image ID:      docker-pullable://eginotebooks/svc-backup@sha256:4ce168e68bddcdefd1cea163a7695476b3f174bb9b52230ccb52831fb9d76276
    Port:          <none>
    Host Port:     <none>
    State:          Terminated
      Reason:       Completed
      Exit Code:    0
      Started:      Thu, 06 Jun 2019 16:37:15 +0200
      Finished:     Thu, 06 Jun 2019 16:47:18 +0200
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
      NFS_PATH:              /exports
      NAMESPACE:             catchall
      RESTIC_REPOSITORY:     sftp:centos@
      RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE:  /restic-secret/password
      /exports from dest (rw)
      /restic-secret/ from restic-password (rw)
      /root/.ssh from restic-ssh (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/ from notebooks-backup-recover-token-cm7vq (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True 
  Ready             False 
  ContainersReady   False 
  PodScheduled      True 
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /exports
    HostPathType:  DirectoryOrCreate
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  restic-ssh
    Optional:    false
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  restic-password
    Optional:    false
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  notebooks-backup-recover-token-cm7vq
    Optional:    false
QoS Class:       BestEffort
Node-Selectors:  nfs-server=true
Tolerations: for 300s
        for 300s
  Type    Reason     Age   From                 Message
  ----    ------     ----  ----                 -------
  Normal  Scheduled  15m   default-scheduler    Successfully assigned default/notebooks-backup-recover-2fntt to k8s-worker
  Normal  Pulling    15m   kubelet, k8s-worker  Pulling image "eginotebooks/svc-backup:0.1.0-5b7cab0"
  Normal  Pulled     15m   kubelet, k8s-worker  Successfully pulled image "eginotebooks/svc-backup:0.1.0-5b7cab0"
  Normal  Created    15m   kubelet, k8s-worker  Created container recover
  Normal  Started    15m   kubelet, k8s-worker  Started container recover

Revision History

Version Authors Date Comments
v1 Enol Fernández, Alessandro Paolini 2019-06-06 Initial version
2019-06-11 plan finalised
2020-08-24 starting the review