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EGI-InSPIRE:SA1 EGI Global tasks assessments

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Notes to contributors

Assessment: (Provide an assessment of the delivery of services over the past year from a managerial perspective; highlight positive areas and areas for improvement; do not include future plans; text should be roughly 1-2 paragraphs)

Score: (assign a numerical score from 1 to 5 with a succinct explanation of what needs to be improved to increase your score – remove numerical description references upon completion) 1 = An unacceptable level of service was delivered

2 = A level of service that was below expectations was delivered

3 = An acceptable service level has been delivered

4 = A level of service that exceeded expectations was delivered, but there is scope for even further improvement

5 = An excellent service has been delivered that should be considered as best practice

EGI Global Tasks

Human Services

Operation Management Board

The Operations Management Board (OMB) drives future developments in the operations area by making sure that the infrastructure operations evolve to support the integration of new resources such as desktop grids, cloud computing and virtualisation, and high performance computing resources. It does this by providing management and developing policies and procedures for the operational services that are integrated into the production infrastructure through a set of distributed management and product teams.

Table 4: EGI Global task assessment:Operations Management Board
# Name Assessment Score How to Improve
# Operations Management Board write here write here write here

Infrastructure Services

Operations Support coordinates and supervises operations and network support activities provided by the individual NGIs to ensure that operational issues are properly handled at both Resource Centre and NGI level. It is also responsible of handling of Resource Centre suspension in case of operational issues.

Table 4: EGI Global task assessment:Operations Support
# Name Assessment Score How to Improve
# Operations Support write here write here write here

Software Rollout

Updates of deployed software need to be gradually adopted in production after internal verification. This process is implemented in EGI through staged rollout, i.e. through the early deployment of a new component by a selected list of candidate Resource Centres. The successful verification of a new component is a precondition for declaring the software ready for deployment. Given the scale of the EGI infrastructure, this process requires careful coordination to ensure that every new capability is verified by a representative pool of candidate sites, to supervise the responsiveness of the candidate sites and ensure that the staged rollout progresses well without introducing unnecessary delays, and to review the reports produced. It also ensures the planning of resources according to the foreseen release schedules from the Technology Providers. coordination is necessary to ensure a successful interoperation of the various stakeholders: Resource Centres, Technology Providers, the Technical Manager and the EGI repository managers.

Table 4: EGI Global task assessment:Software Rollout
# Name Assessment Score How to Improve
# Software Rollout write here write here write here


Description: Security vulnerabilities and risks presented by e-Infrastructures provide a rationale for coordination amongst the EGI participants at various levels. Central coordination groups ensure policies, operational security, and maintenance to guarantee secure access to users. In addition, security and incident response is provided through the EGI Computer Security and Incident Response Team by coordinating activity at the sites across the infrastructure. This coordination ensures that common policies are followed by providing services such as security monitoring, training and dissemination with the goal of improving the response to incidents (e.g. security drills).

Table 4: EGI Global task assessment:Security
# Name Assessment Score How to Improve
# Security write here write here write here