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1. Task Meetings

Date (dd/mm/yyyy) Url Indico Agenda Title Outcome
29/3/12 Accounting Workshop at CF12

2. Main Achievements

Repository: Ran the production repository with no internal problems this quarter. There were a few very small network breaks which prevented the service receiving new data. This data would all have been received the next time the affected clients tried to publish. The migration from SL4 to SL5 went smoothly for the old and the SSM-based servers.

The support load was lower than Q7 as the rollout of CREAM CE has plateaued. It would be good to have second line support for APEL in DMSU as for the other middleware. The APEL Team should only be providing third line support.

The production release of the new infrastructure happened in this quarter but none of the other infrastructures have changed to use it yet. CERN is the most advanced, carrying out final tests against the production instance.

The test repository continues to run all the time to receive tests from other sites developing their software against SSM the new STOMP and Python-based messaging layer which runs on the production EGI Messaging Infrastructure. All of the other existing and new accounting services have done some testing using SSM, now including SGAS and GridSafe.

The test infrastructure successfully received ptotptye usage records from the resource providers in the EGI Cloud Task Force demonstration at EGI CF12. The strawman VM UR and the first script to harvest data from OpenNebula were done by the RAL team.


3. Issues and Mitigation

Issue Description Mitigation Description

4. Plans for the next period

Draw up migration plans with the other infrastructures to move their summary publishing from the database insert to SSM. Once all systems have migrated the old database will be migrated to a new one and the old clients piped into that. This second step is likely to be in Q9, possibly Q10.
