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DMSU topics gridops meeting

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Grid Operations Meeting 19th November 2012

FTS jobs abort with "No site found for host xxx.yyy" error

Details GGUS #87929

From time to time, some FTS transfers fail with the message above. The problem was reported at CNAF, IN2P3, and GRIDKA, noticed by Atlas, CMS, and LHCb VOs. The problem is appearing and disappearing in rather short and unpredictable intervals.

Exact reasons are not yet understood, we keep investigating. Reports from sites affected by similar problem will be appreciated.

Update Nov 20 The user reports that both problem disappeared, probably fixed together.

LCMAPS-plugins-c-pep in glexec fails at RH6 based WNs

Details GGUS #88520

Due to replacement of OpenSSL with NSS in the RH6 based distributions, LCMAPS-plugins-c-pep invoked from glexec fails on talking to Argus PEP via curl.

This is a known issue, as mentioned in EMI glexec release notes however, the workaround is not described in a usable way there.

Once we make sure we understand it properly and that the fix works, it will be documented properly at UMD pages and passed to the developers to

  1. fix the documentation
  2. try to deploy the workaround automatically when NSS-poisoned system is detected

UPDATE Nov 19th: the fix is now well explained in the known issues section and it will be included in a future yaim update

WMS does not work with ARC CE 12.0

Details GGUS #88630, further info Condor ticket #3062

The format of jobid changed in in the ARC CE release 12. This is not recognised by Condor prior to version 7.8.3. However, current EMI-1 WMS uses Condor 7.8.0. This breaks submission from WMS to ARC CE.

The problem hence affects CMS SAM tests as well as their production jobs.

Hence updates to ARC CE 12 should be done carefully before the Condor update is available from EMI.

UPDATE Nov 26th: on a test WMS it was installed Condor 7.8.6, and the submission to ARC seemd to work fine; since this WMS isn't available any mnore, further deeper tests should be performed, perhaps using the EMI-TESTBED infrastructure

Grid Operations Meeting 5th November 2012

problem in retrieving the job output after EMI2 update 4 (WMS)

for details see GGUS 87802

If an user isn't using it the myproxy service, she can retrieve the output without any problem. Otherwise, the problem occurrs (see the details in that ticket).

  • the user proxy is usually stored in the Sandboxdir, but if the user is using the myproxy service, that file is a symlink to the real file stored in the proxy renewal directory (/var/glite/spool/glite-renewd). When the jobs ends, that proxy is purged so that the user hasn't any more the permissions to retrieve the output
  • For the moment a simple workaround is to submit a new job, and before its ending, retrieve the output of any previous job.

In order to not use the myproxy server, an user should specify in the jdl file the following empty parameter

  MyProxyServer = "";

otherwise the UI default setting is considered.

UPDATE Nov 13th: there is a workaround, reported also in the known issues section of "EMI2 update 4" page. Besides this update is currently in the UMD staged rollout phase.