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Glossary V1

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EGI Glossary V1 (draft)

This page contains the latest version of EGI glossary terms (DRAFT PAGE).

(presentation 1)

IT Infrastructure

All of the hardware, software, networks, facilities, etc. that are required to develop, test, deliver, monitor, control or support IT Services. The term IT Infrastructure includes all of the information technology but not the associated people, Processes and documentation (source: ITIL V3)

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

A set of terms and conditions applicable to the Users of an IT Infrastructure.


An IT Infrastructure for instant access to data, remote instruments, "in silico" experimentation, as well as the setup of Virtual Research Communities.


Means of delivering value to Users by facilitating outcomes they want to achieve withouth the ownership of specific costs and risks (adapted from Customer definition in ITIL V3)

(presentation 2 - as table)

EGI Glossary - Latest Version
Term Abbr. Definition
IT Infrastructure All of the hardware, software, networks, facilities, etc. that are required to develop, test, deliver, monitor, control or support IT Services. The term IT Infrastructure includes all of the information technology but not the associated people, Processes and documentation (source: ITIL V3) 
Acceptable Use Policy AUP a set of terms and conditions applicable to the Users of an IT Infrastructure.
e-Infrastructure An IT Infrastructure for instant access to data, remote instruments, "in silico" experimentation, as well as the setup of Virtual Research Communities.
Service Means of delivering value to Users by facilitating outcomes they want to achieve withouth the ownership of specific costs and risks (adapted from Customer definition in ITIL V3)
IT Service A Service provided to one or more Users by a Resource Centre or a Resource infrastructure Provider. An IT Service is based on the use of Information Technology and supports the User's Business Processses. An IT Service is made up from a combination of people, Processes and technology and should be defined in a Service Level Agreement. An IT Service provides one or more IT capabilities (adapted from ITIL V3)
Capability (or IT Capability) A Capability is a functional or non-functional activity needed by either the user or the operations communities. The Capability is defined and delivered by one or more Interfaces supported by one or more technology providers
User A person who uses the IT Service on day-to-day basis (source: ITIL V3)
Resource Centre RC The Resource Centre – also known as Site – is the smallest resource administration domain in EGI. It can be either localised or geographically distributed. It provides a minimum set of local or remote UMD-compliant capabilities necessary to make resources accessible to users. Access is granted by exposing common interfaces to users.
Operations Centre The Operations Centre offers operations services on behalf of the Resource Infrastructure Provider. 
Resource Infrastructure RI A Resource Infrastructure is a federation of Resource Centres.
Resource Centre Operations Manager The Resource Centre Operations Manager leads the Resource Centre operations, and is the official technical contact person in the connected organisation. He/she is locally supported by a team of Resource Centre administrators.
Resource Centre Administrator
Certified Resource Centre A Certified Resource Centre is a Resource Centre that conforms to the requirements specified in the "Resource Centre Registration and Certification Procedure"
Resource infrastructure Provider RP The Resource Infrastructure Provider is the legal organisation responsible for any matter that concerns the respective Resource Infrastructure. It provides, manages and operates (directly or indirectly) all the operational services required to an agreed level of quality as required by the Resource Centres and their user community. It holds the responsibility of integrating these operational services into EGI in order to enable uniform resource access and sharing for the benefit of their users. The Resource Infrastructure Provider liaises locally with the Resource Centre Operations Managers, and represents the Resource Centres at an international level. Examples of a Resource Infrastructure Provider are the European Intergovernmental Research Institutes (EIRO) and the National Grid Initiatives (NGIs).
Virtual Research Community VRC A VRC is a group of large-scale scientific research collaborations, either covering multiple VOs or simply belong are part of a larger domain area. The VRC model allows a community to have bi-directional interactions through defined points of contact with EGI across broader domain areas.
Virtual Organisation VO

A Virtual Organisation (VO) is a grouping of users and (optionally) resources, often not bound to a single institution, which, by reason of their common membership and in sharing a common goal, are given authority to use a set of resources (from OMB).

A Virtual Organisation (VO) is a group of people (e.g. scientists, application developers) with common interests and requirements, which need to work collaboratively with other members of their collaboration and/or share resources (e.g. data, software, expertise, CPU, storage space) regardless of geographical location. They join a VO in order to gain access to resources with a set of rules and policies that govern the access and security rights for the users, resources and data in question (from PDT)

Unified Middleware Distribution UMD
Capability (or IT Capability)

A Capability is the ability of an IT Service to carry out an activity. A capability may be 1) functional if providing an Activity for the direct benefit of the User; 2) operational if providing an Activity for supporting the Operations of an IT Infrastructure; 3) security if related to security aspects. A Capability may depend on others Capabilities.  <meta charset="utf-8"></meta>

UMD Capability A UMD Capability is an IT Capability defined in the UMD Roadmap.
National Grid Initiative NGI
European Intergovernmental Research Organisation EIRO European Intergovernmental scientific Research Organisation that have extensive expertise in the areas of basic research and the management of large, international infrastructures, facilities and research programmes.
Appliance <meta charset="utf-8"></meta>An Appliance is the technical implementation of a Capability. An Appliance may be delivered in a single, monolithic Package, or it may be delivered as a set of components that are grouped into a set of Packages. In the latter case all packages must be installed to provide the complete Appliance.
Package <meta charset="utf-8"></meta>A Package is a structured software unit suitable for automated installation on a computer. A Package may specify dependencies on other packages, so that either a specific version of that package, or a minimum version of that package may satisfy that dependency.
Product <meta charset="utf-8"></meta>A Product is a solution delivered by Technology Providers to EGI and provides the functionality for one, sometimes more Capabilities as one single, undividable unit. Consequently, a Product may comprise of one or more Appliances.
Primary Package <meta charset="utf-8"></meta><meta charset="utf-8"></meta>A Product consists of a well-defined set of specific packages, each in a specific version. Different versions (whether major, minor, or revision) of the same Product may share a subset of packages of the same version, that do not change between the compared versions.
Procedure Step by step written and approved specification of how to complete a specific task or process.
Policy Clear, formal and mandatory statement and position of general nature adopted by the IT Infrastructure governance bodies.