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Accounting Portal API View /egi/htc/operations centres/

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This view offers an overview of the EGI HTC infrastructure viewed by Operations Centres (NGIs).


The Row and Column variables define the dimensions in which the data are grouped, for each view usually the data are grouped bidimensionally using a row variable and a column variable, the name derived from appearing in the rows and columns of the table, respectively. These are the valid values for both of these:

Metric Name Description
number_of_jobs Number of jobs Number of discrete jobs launched, independent on completion status.
normalized_sum_cpu Normalized Sum CPU Hours of CPU time consumed in calculations by jobs, normalised using the HEPSPEC06 benchmark.
sum_cpu Sum CPU Hours of not normalised CPU time consumed by jobs.
normalized_sum_elapsed Normalized Sum Elapsed Hours of wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks, normalised using the HEPSPEC06 benchmark.
normalized_sum_elapsed_times_number_of_processors Normalized Sum Elapsed * Number of Processors Hours of wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks, normalised using the multiplied by the number of logical cores used by each job.
sum_elapsed_times_number_of_processors Sum Elapsed * Number of Processors Hours of not normalised wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks, multiplied by the number of logical cores used by the job.
sum_elapsed Unnormalized Wall CPU Hours Hours of not normalised wall-clock time consumed by jobs, including I/O, OS and other housekeeping tasks.
cpu_efficiency CPU Efficiency Normalised Sum CPU / (Normalised Sum Elapsed * Number of Processors). Measures the percentage of running time of the process used to do actual computations.

Metric Unit Suffix

For all metrics with a unit based on hours, there is an optional suffix to indicate a longer time unit, the basic format is


For example:


If no suffix is indicated, hours are selected by default:

Suffix Name Description
hour Hours Select the default unit of hours, equivalent to not indicating any suffix.
day Days Select a time of unit based on days (24 hours)
month Months Select a time of unit based on months (720 hours)
quarter Quarters Select a time of unit based on quarters (2160 hours)
halfyear Half Years Select a time of unit based on half years (4320 hours)
year Years Select a time of unit based on years (8640 hours)

Row and Column Variables

The Row and Column varaibles define the dimensions in which the data is grouped, for each view usually the data is grouped bidimensionally using a row variable and a column variable, the name derived from appearing in the rows and columns of the table, respectively. These are the valid values for both of these:

Variable Name Description
DATE Month Grouping by Month
Year Year Grouping by Year
3M Quarter Grouping by Quarter
6M Half-year Grouping by Half-year
COUNTRY Country Grouping by Country
REGION Operations Centre Grouping by Operations Centre
SITE Resource Centre Grouping by Resource Centre
VO VO Grouping by VO
SubmitHost SubmitHost Grouping by SubmitHost
Resource Centre SITE Group by Resource Centre
NUMBER PROCESSORS Number of Processors Group by the number of Logical Cores.
NODECOUNT Nodes Group by Nodes


The URL components for dates are:


The date format is:


The date indicated by StartYear/StartMonth needs to be BEFORE EndYear/EndMonth.

VO Group Selector

VO Group selects which VOs are selected for the current view, there are five settings:

VO Group Selector Meaning
lhc The four VOs used on the WLCG Large Hadron Collider (ATLAS, ALICE, LHCb, CMS).
top10 Top 10 VOs that in the period and options selected have the highest unnormalised raw CPU value.
all All VOs are included.
egi VOs officially registered on the EGI Operations Portal.
custom Custom set of virtual organisations.

In the case of a “custom” selection, the used format is


This scales to infrastructure views with 200+ VOs.

Local Job Selector

The Local Job selector parameter filters accounting based on its use of local vs infrastructure reosurce

VO Group Selector Meaning
onlyinfrajobs Selects jobs that were successfully submitted and completed by a local cluster by submitting them directly to the the batch system of the computing cluster, i.e. bypassing the Compute Element interface.
localinfrajobs All jobs executed by the EGI Federation, regardless of the submission mode.
onlylocaljobs Selects jobs that were successfully submitted and completed by a local cluster by submitting them directly to the the batch system of the computing cluster, i.e. bypassing the Compute Element interface.

Data Selector

Data Selector Meaning
/JSON/ Returns data as a text file containing JSON (Java Script Object Notation) data.
/CSV/ Returns data as a text file containing CSV (Comma Separated Values) data.

Output Example
"2016-12":54516,"2017-01":139085,"2017-02":30541,"id":"AfricaArabia","Total":1276230,"Percent":0.3}, {"2016-
12":2649081,"2017-01":3022985,"2017-02":1717884,"id":"AsiaPacific","Total":21806107,"Percent":5.06}, {"2016-
12":8713986,"2017-01":9729395,"2017-02":5508540,"id":"CERN","Total":71098367,"Percent":16.5}, {"2016-
12":25744,"2017-01":25962,"2017-02":16267,"id":"NGI_AEGIS","Total":216112,"Percent":0.05}, {"2016-
01":3015,"2017-02":1121,"id":"NGI_ARMGRID","Total":27980,"Percent":0.01}, {"2016-06":36516,"2016-
01":16721,"2017-02":7147,"id":"NGI_BG","Total":195888,"Percent":0.05}, {"2016-06":464959,"2016-
01":422912,"2017-02":520081,"id":"NGI_CH","Total":4556935,"Percent":1.06}, {"2016-06":109807,"2016-
01":163161,"2017-02":90258,"id":"NGI_CHINA","Total":1180131,"Percent":0.27}, {"2016-06":419707,"2016-
01":738375,"2017-02":268361,"id":"NGI_CZ","Total":4064517,"Percent":0.94}, {"2016-06":6249765,"2016-
01":4685814,"2017-02":3515577,"id":"NGI_DE","Total":48581576,"Percent":11.27}, {"2016-06":39302,"2016-
01":17318,"2017-02":9092,"id":"NGI_FI","Total":232447,"Percent":0.05}, {"2016-06":5132661,"2016-
01":4703217,"2017-02":2671748,"id":"NGI_FRANCE","Total":41345084,"Percent":9.59}, {"2016-06":8714,"2016-
02":7459,"id":"NGI_GE","Total":72529,"Percent":0.02}, {"2016-06":89845,"2016-07":76572,"2016-08":48624,"2016-
02":36689,"id":"NGI_GRNET","Total":674314,"Percent":0.16}, {"2016-06":10454,"2016-07":9428,"2016-
02":5665,"id":"NGI_HR","Total":56785,"Percent":0.01}, {"2016-06":108292,"2016-07":121147,"2016-
02":83204,"id":"NGI_HU","Total":1133773,"Percent":0.26}, {"2016-06":2307912,"2016-07":2948625,"2016-
02":1046522,"id":"NGI_IBERGRID","Total":17839922,"Percent":4.14}, {"2016-06":519638,"2016-07":766188,"2016-
02":286127,"id":"NGI_IL","Total":4870863,"Percent":1.13}, {"2016-06":6246608,"2016-07":6644789,"2016-
02":2551246,"id":"NGI_IT","Total":45117025,"Percent":10.47}, {"2016-06":56,"2016-07":1,"2016-08":0,"2016-
12":986051,"2017-01":841145,"2017-02":342342,"id":"NGI_NDGF","Total":6444952,"Percent":1.5}, {"2016-
12":1630570,"2017-01":2041008,"2017-02":974983,"id":"NGI_NL","Total":15291378,"Percent":3.55}, {"2016-
12":385494,"2017-01":406321,"2017-02":208844,"id":"NGI_PL","Total":3631284,"Percent":0.84}, {"2016-
12":973822,"2017-01":1058285,"2017-02":682640,"id":"NGI_RO","Total":8992138,"Percent":2.09}, {"2016-
12":507834,"2017-01":640344,"2017-02":291847,"id":"NGI_SI","Total":4170994,"Percent":0.97}, {"2016-
12":215088,"2017-01":375396,"2017-02":225941,"id":"NGI_SK","Total":2958663,"Percent":0.69}, {"2016-
12":49587,"2017-01":70533,"2017-02":52213,"id":"NGI_TR","Total":742742,"Percent":0.17}, {"2016-
12":98550,"2017-01":81163,"2017-02":41632,"id":"NGI_UA","Total":897398,"Percent":0.21}, {"2016-
12":8072590,"2017-01":7729046,"2017-02":4842588,"id":"NGI_UK","Total":69328687,"Percent":16.09}, {"2016-
12":4118913,"2017-01":4614193,"2017-02":2104736,"id":"ROC_Canada","Total":37881584,"Percent":8.79}, {"2016-
12":248714,"2017-01":260469,"2017-02":157167,"id":"ROC_LA","Total":2529492,"Percent":0.59}, {"2016-
12":1708028,"2017-01":1971692,"2017-02":1018750,"id":"Russia","Total":13771329,"Percent":3.2}, {"2016-
11":51063400,"2016-12":47954194,"2017-01":50569987,"2017-02":29317212,"id":"Total","Total":430987285,"Percent":""}, {"2016-06":"11.40%","2016-07":"13.87%","2016-
K","29":"ROC_Canada","30":"ROC_LA","31":"Russia"}, {"id":"ylegend","0":"2016-06","1":"2016-07","2":"2016-

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