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CRM Use Case Record Research Institution Data

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How to record a new Research Institution

Research Institutions should be recorded in EGI CRM as an Organization. To create an Organization in EGI CRM:

  1. Log-in in EGI CRM
  2. From the top navigation blue menu, select Organization
  3. From the shortcut toolbar, select the green plus sign. This will redirect you to the Organization creation web form.

EGI CRM UCI Research.png

How to fill the web form for a Research Institution Organization

  • Organization Name, a reasonable name for identifying the Research Institution.
  • Organization Number, an automatically generated number. Do not change it the contents of this field.
  • Account Acronym, a shorter name for identifying the Research Institution or project.
  • Account Type, select Research institution.
  • Status, which can be either Active or non-Active depending if the account is valid, or if at a given point became invalid.
  • Country, select the country where the Research Institution is hosted, if applicable.
  • Website, for the institution or specific group represented.
  • Email, if applicable.
  • Project List, select the individual projects (ESFRI, National or Others) where this Research Institution is involved. More than one project can be selected. If the project that you are looking for is not in the options list, you have to first create an Organization for that project.
  • Scientific Discipline, choose the main scientific domain for the Research Institute, if applicable.
  • Assigned to, which can be either an individual user or a group (e.g. specific NGI). Note: Mandatory. If it is assigned to an User, the user's NGI members will not be able to edit it. Therefore, unless it is private, it is recommended to assign it to your NGI group.
  • Start Date, if applicable.
  • End Date, if applicable.
  • Description, with a brief statement on the objectives and scope of the Research Institute.
  • Potential for EGI use, with a subjective appraisal of the potential impact of its integration in EGI.
  • Interest in e-Infrastructure, describing the interest shown on using e-Infrastructures for their research activities.


Check the CRM Videos section to see the tutorial on how to add an Account