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Differences in CMF-side Capabilities and Implementations

This is work in progress, a page that should catalogue differences between different cloud management frameworks used in FedCloud with respect to the implementation of features through OCCI.

Feature / Problem OpenNebula / rOCCI specifics OpenStack / OOI specifics Synnefo specifics AWS / rOCCI specifics
Selecting default network: connecting Compute resources to networks on creation in case no Network Link is specified. In case just one Network is applicable, OOI picks it and creates the link. Otherwise a link must be specified.
Treatment of the PUBLIC Network PUBLIC Network does not actually exist in OpenStack. There is a plan to create it automagically on request when creating Compute resources that want to link with it.
Inline links (NetworkInterface): The creation of links to Network resources inline with the creation of a Compute instance. Different CMFs behave differently if there is more than one applicable network.
Linking existing resources (NetworkInterface): linking Compute and Network instances during their lifetime. Not supported by AWS at all. Linking is only possible on VM creation.

Where to go next

Since the underlying idea is to describe the procedures graphically with Sequence diagrams, I was looking for a simple way to share and edit those. I concluded that the most widely available and by far the simplest way of editing sequence diagrams was the pgf-umlsd package for LaTeX. It is extremely simple to use (one line per call and response) and can be easily read, if necessary, even in source code.

As for sharing, I realized all of us should be able to access our EGI_publications repository on GitHub. If it turns out too cumbersome, we may consider switching to ShareLaTeX, but I'm not a huge fan.

We may check for a way to organize the diagrams comprehensively online later on …