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GGUS wiki / GGUS FAQ / GGUS Documentation / GGUS Helpdesk


Responsible Unit
GGUS (Operations Helpdesk by TPM)

What is the purpose of the caNL Support?

The purpose of the caNL SU is to handle tickets assigned to it through the GGUS system. These tickets can originate from users or from operations.

For which components does caNL provide support?

The caNL SU provides support for subsystem canl packages

Which quality of service (QoS) will you provide?


Who will assign tickets to caNL Support?

A ticket is usually assigned to the caNL Support Unit by other 3rd level support units who have encountered problems caused by the library. EGI 2nd level user support may assign tickets to caNL directly if the nature of the problem (e.g. error messages obtained, or an execution trace recorded) indicates that it stems from the a caNL library.

Are tickets typically solved in caNL Support or reassigned elsewhere?

Unless the root of a problem is tracked elsewhere, tickets will be typically solved within the caNL SU

Who is responsible for caNL Support?

The persons responsible for caNl are members of Product Teams participating in the development of caNl.

What documentation is available on caNL Support?

The caNL SU consists of caNL developers with first-hand experience of the product. No specific support documentation is available.

What is the usual "Type of Issue" for the tickets of caNL?



No comments.

What if I have questions which are not dealt with by this FAQ?

Open a GGUS ticket indicating that it should be directed at the caNL team.
