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Revision as of 15:33, 24 October 2013

This page is work in progress (as of 2013-10-23). Do not use this information yet, as it is still used for internal discussions. General information about cloud-init can be found at [1].

The following are the contents of /etc/cloud-init/cloud.cfg:

# The top level settings are used as module
# and system configuration.

# A set of users which may be applied and/or used by various modules
# when a 'default' entry is found it will reference the 'default_user'
# from the distro configuration specified below
   - default

# If this is set, 'root' will not be able to ssh in and they 
# will get a message to login instead as the above $user (ubuntu)
disable_root: false

# This will cause the set+update hostname module to not operate (if true)
preserve_hostname: false

# Example datasource config
# datasource: 
#    Ec2: 
#      metadata_urls: [ '' ]
#      timeout: 5 # (defaults to 50 seconds)
#      max_wait: 10 # (defaults to 120 seconds)

# The modules that run in the 'init' stage
 - migrator
 - bootcmd
 - write-files
# We (CloudCaps) highly recommend to include the following two modules. They allow for resizing of the root disk at startup.
# They seem to work differently in Debian, where you need cloud-initramfs and cloud-utils. See [[VT-CloudCaps:Debian_7_(wheezy)#Select_and_install_software]]
 - growpart
 - resizefs
 - set_hostname
 - update_hostname
 - update_etc_hosts
 - ca-certs
 - rsyslog
 - users-groups
 - ssh

# The modules that run in the 'config' stage
# Emit the cloud config ready event
# this can be used by upstart jobs for 'start on cloud-config'.
 - emit_upstart
 - mounts
 - ssh-import-id
 - locale
 - set-passwords
 - grub-dpkg
 - apt-pipelining
 - apt-configure
 - package-update-upgrade-install
 - landscape
 - timezone
 - puppet
 - chef
 - salt-minion
 - mcollective
 - disable-ec2-metadata
 - runcmd
 - byobu

# The modules that run in the 'final' stage
 - rightscale_userdata
 - scripts-per-once
 - scripts-per-boot
 - scripts-per-instance
 - scripts-user
 - ssh-authkey-fingerprints
 - keys-to-console
 - phone-home
 - final-message
 - power-state-change

# System and/or distro specific settings
# (not accessible to handlers/transforms)
   # This will affect which distro class gets used
   distro: debian
   # Default user name + that default users groups (if added/used)
     name: debian
     lock_passwd: True
     gecos: Debian
     groups: [adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, video, plugdev, dip]
   # Other config here will be given to the distro class and/or path classes
      cloud_dir: /var/lib/cloud/
      templates_dir: /etc/cloud/templates/
      upstart_dir: /etc/init/
     - arches: [default]
