Table of contents:
EGI members (NGIs, EIROs, RIs and institutes) can delegate contacts to the EGI Community Managers Group. The EGI Community Managers Group is an information sharing network about user engagement, training, technical support and partner liaison activities in the EGI context. Members of the network have regular meetings and an email list to share information about their activities, and to exchange success stories and best practices between the European and national/community/institutional landscapes.
The EGI Community Group is focused on sharing information about the following areas:
A bit of history:
Until mid-2021 EGI had an 'NGI International Liaisons' network (NILs). The Community Managers Group replaces the NILs with a broader scope that is open for both the NGIs and the Scientific Organisations of the EGI Council.
NGI delegates:
Name | NGI | |
Matthias Schramm | Austria | |
Stephane Gerard, VUB | Belgium | |
Todor Gurov, IICT-BAS | Bulgaria | |
Dobriša Dobrenić, SRCE | Croatia | |
Ivana Křenková, CESNET Luděk Matyska, CESNET | Czech Republic | |
Sorina Camarasu Pop | France | |
To be appointed | Germany | check with |
Kostas Koumantaros, GRNET | Greece | |
Luciano Gaido, INFN | Italy | |
Povilas Treigys | Lithuania | |
Sylvia, SURF | Netherlands | |
Anastas Mishev, UKIM Boro Jakimovski, UKIM | North Macedonia - Republic | |
Tomasz Piontek, ICBP Mariusz Sterzel, CYFRONET | Poland | |
João António Tomásio Pina, LIP | Portugal | |
Mihnea Dulea, Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering | Romania | |
Ladislav Hluchý, IISAS | Slovakia | |
Jan Jona Javorsek, JSI | Slovenia | |
Pablo Orviz, IFCA | Spain | |
Hakan Bayındır, TUBITAK Feyza Eryol, TUBITAK Onur Temizsoylu, TUBITAK | Turkey | |
Andrii Golovynskyi, V. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine | Ukraine | |
Ian Collier, STFC | United Kingdom | |
Scientific community delegates:
Name | Community | |
Bob Jones, | CERN | |
Antonio Aloisio, | IS-ENES (Organization: CMCC) | |
Dick M.A. Schaap | SeaDataNet (Organization: MARIS) | |
Aljaz Maslo | EMSO Research Community (Organization: EMSO-ERIC) | |
Craig Heinselman (*), (*) Craig's term as EISCAT Scientific Association | EISCAT_3D (Organization: EISCAT Association) | |
Meetings | Events full category: See in Indico 2025Agenda Focus topics: Horizon Europe 2025 RI-EOSC calls, Project concepts for proposals on EOSC-01, EOSC-02, EOSC-04 calls, other calls 2024Agenda Focus topics: New proposals accepted, Status of the EGI Bid, Status of the EGI Open Call, Round table updates Agenda Focus topics: Data Spaces infoday and Green Deal Data Space implementation call Agenda Focus topics: EGI2024, EGI magazine update Agenda Focus topics: EGI2024 Agenda Focus topics: EoIs to participate to future project proposals, Questionnaire for the build-up phase of the EOSC Federation Agenda Focus topics: Engagement opportunities, status of the Engagement, Support and Events Plan for 2024, Questionnaire for the EGI Federation Strategy 2025-2029 2023Agenda Focus topics: EGI magazine: plans for the future, Round table updates Agenda Focus topics: Status of the collaboration with OPERAS/Triple, MoU for supporting the JUNO experiment, Collaboration with the Univ. of Innsbruck, Round table updates Agenda Focus topics: Engagement and support updates based on annual engagement plan, Update with community support opportunities (projects, procurement), Regular call for users: The new EGI Call, 101 interviews, EGI core services bid - new cycle from 2024-2026, Upcoming events, Round table updates Agenda, Focus topics: Overview of recently approved projects and upcoming calls, National communities updates, Plans for next meetings: discussion topics and open table. Agenda, Focus topics: National Community updates (Report of the ACOnet workshop), Community Managers session at EGI2023, Updates from the EGI success stories and Engagement Plan, EOSC Future factsheet. Agenda, Focus topics: National Community updates (ACOnet), Community Managers session at EGI2023, Updates from the EGI success stories and Engagement Plan. Agenda, Focus topics: EGI2023 call for abstracts and exhibition area opportunities, Community Managers session at EGI2023, Success stories from EGI Agenda, Focus topics: EGI2023, Status of the 1:1 chats with Community Managers, Status of the Open Calls 2022Cancelled Agenda, Focus topics: Updates on recently received use cases, Supporting Ukraine user communities, Upcoming national and topical events Agenda (EGI2022 conference) Agenda, Focus topics: EGI Community Managers meeting at EGI2022, Status of the EGI-ACE open call, Upcoming national and topical events, Updates from the NGI Community Managers Cancelled Cancelled Agenda, Focus topics: EGI2022, Massive Open Online Course for EGI/NGI topics, new EGI webiste, HPC and Cloud service, Upcoming National and Topical events, Updates from the NGI Community Managers Cancelled Agenda, Focus topics: Evolving the EGI Service Portfolio Structure, Launch of the EGI Special Interest Groups (SIG), Recent updates from GOSC Agenda, Focus topics: Recent updates from EOSC, Special Interest Groups, the EOSC Compute Platform User Support Workshop Agenda, Focus topic: The EGI Engagement, Support and Events Plans for 2022 2021Agenda, Focus topics: H2020 projects report, Big Data Value Association, Global Open Science Cloud, AI4EU initiative Agenda, Focus topic: Establishing the Community Managers Group in EGI |
Coordinators | Gergely Sipos, Ilaria Fava and Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI Foundation),, |
Email list | |
Documents | |
Meeting minutes | |