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Regional tools use cases: Operation Portal GOCDB GGUS Accounting Nagios
Alert.png This article is Deprecated and should no longer be used, but is still available for reasons of reference.

Current status of regionalization

Nagios/SAM provides regionalized version which is synchronized with the central instance. SAM/Nagios releases follow EGI software release process. List of NGI instances can be found on the following page: SAM Instances.

ATPs at NGI instances are independent from the central one, meaning that they perform synchronization with information sources directly. NGI instance could in theory point ATP to different information sources (e.g. alternative VO feeds).

Use cases

Use case #1

Monitor sites and service not in central gocdb.

Use case description

NGIs could need to monitor sites not in the central gocdb, test sites or sites not in EGI because funded separately.

Dependencies with other regionalized tools

regionalized GOCDB, custom ATP

Regionalized ATP

  • SAM Team states: ATPs instances at NGI are independent from the central one, meaning that they perform synchronization with information sources directly. NGI instance could in theory point ATP to different information sources (e.g. alternative VO feeds).
  • The ATP authoritative sources of information are the following:
    • GOCDB for EGEE sites, services and downtimes.
    • RSV for OSG sites, services and downtimes.
    • The CIC Portal for the list of VOs.
    • The experiment VO feeds (see below) to define which are the services (among the ones defined by GOCDB and RSV) that they support.
    • The BDII for any other VO, to define mapping between services and VOs supported.
    • The MoU portal, to define the WLCG Site-Tier mapping.
    • The GridMap interface, to extract CPU counts

Can all of these information source be all regionalized instances?

  • In the ATP configuration the data sources can be excluded.
  • GOCDB is the authoritative source and is needed in any scenario.
    • Strong dependency with regionalized GOCDB.

Use case #2

Add custom probes

Use case description

NGIs may want to deploy custom probes in their regional Nagioses. To monitor with VO-specific probes, or with tighter thresolds..

  • Can adding new probes conflict with the procedures in use by JRA1? Even if they are local.
    • A review of the probes modification procedures including the regional SAM may be needed.
  • Curently is not easy to run probes with a custom VO.
    • Another use case for the NGIs is to setup a Nagios that runs the probes with an NGI-specific VO. It may also be needed to monitor different services with different VOs.

Dependencies with other regionalized tools

    • POEM, the successor of Metric Description DataBase is still under developement. A regional instance of POEM is planned in the development plan.
  • ATP